Chapter 33

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2 more months till school ends. I decided to join the volleyball team. I loved volleyball and I had to join.

"Sam I have volleyball practice today so I'll see you after?" I ask smiling widely. "Yea I have basketball in the gym so maybe I can watch you" he winks. "Maybe" I say kissing his cheek and walking away.

I walk into the girls locker room. All the girls seemed nice so far. I changed into a black sports bra, pink shorts, and elites. I tied my hair up and walked out with the other girls. "Hey I'm Laurie" a girl turned to me and said. "Hi I'm Maggie" I smile. "So wats ur position" I ask. "Right side hitter. You" she questioned. "Middle blocker" I told her. "Sweet" she says. We walk out to the court and we see the cheerleaders and basketball players practicing.

"Alright girls we have an old friend joining us today, Maggie." Coach announced. I waved to all of them. "Well girls let's get warmed up" she said. I started to stretch then Sammy caught my eye. He was shirtless, dribbling the ball between his legs down the court. He made a break to the basket and made a perfect layup. He looked back at me and smiled, I smiled back of course. "Ready Stell" coach asked breaking my gaze. "Yep" I say popping the p.

We had two teams.

Team one: Shay, Tiffany, Violet, Rose, Mari, and Me.

Team two: Laurie, Paige, Zoe, Emily, Rachel, and Gabby.

Shay set. It ended up getting passed around in a circle and then to me. I spiked the ball over the net and won our team a point. "Nice Stell" Tiffany said. I got high fives all around. Sam turned to me. I blew him a kiss and tuned back to the game. I stuck out my ass a little shaking my hair to tears Sammy.

Sammy's POV

Maggie was AMAZING at volleyball. Everyone was cheering for her and she looked so sexy playing. The cheerleading squad was alright but Maggie always caught eye. Ally and her friends were on the cheerleading squad. Nothing looked attractive to me. "Hey Wilk. Whatcha looking at" Gilinsky tossed me the ball. "My hot girlfriend" I said not breaking my gaze. "Hey Sam" Ally said rubbing my chest. "Ally please don't do this" I whispered so Maggie wouldn't hear. "Come on Sam. We used to have the best times together" she pouted. "I don't care get off of me" I said and walked back to the guys.

Maggie's POV

"Great practice girls. Hit the showers" coach yelled. The stampede ran to the locker room. We walked through the boys and I saw a cutie with glistening abs. I walked right past Sam to tease him a bit. He grabbed me by my wrist into his grasp. "Hey babe" he said holding my waist. "Hey Sam" I wrap my arms around his neck. "You did great" he said tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I love you" I said kissing him lightly. He moved his hands down to my ass giving it a smack. "GET SOME SAM" the boys yelled. "Damn Wilkinson. How could you a babe like that" a guy said gesturing to me. "Cause I'm lucky" he smiled. "Bye Sam" I pecked his lips. "Nice meeting you guys" I waved and walked out.

"Are you gonna buy merch" Laurie asked as soon as I walked in. "Yes OMG I can't wait. We can we get it" I asked her excitedly. "Coach is giving it out after we get out the showers" she said. "YASSS" I say referring to Matt. I showered last. I changed into my white sweatshirt that said "go big or go hoe☺️"(I meant to say that lol😂), black leggings, and flip flops. I let my hair out and just brushed it.

"Alright girls here is ur stuff" she said laying everything out for us. All Vball merch for all of us. We got our uniforms to. "OMG I'm number 15" I screech. "I'm number 4" Laurie said jumping up and down.

Our uniforms wer red and black. It had our last names on the back too. I loved it. "Hey Laurie and Violet text me so me, you guys, and Maya can hang tomorrow" I say. "We got you" they laughed. I grabbed my bag and left out. "Hey Maggie can I talk to you" coach asked. "Of course." I smile. "I would like to recruit you to captain" she explained. "ARE U SERIOUS" I say shocked. "Yes I am" she laughed. "OH GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH COACH I WONT LET U DOWN" I hug her. "Ik you won't" she says and hugs back. I ran out the locker room looking for Sam. I see him in the hall and attack him with a hug. "Woah babe wats up" he asks giggling. "I MADE CAPTAIN" I screech. "MAGGIE IM SO PROUD OF U" he spun me around. I pecked his lips. "I gotta go. Me and Maya are gonna go shopping for Prom" I say winking. "And not only the dress Sam" I smirk and walk away swaying my hips. I turned around and saw Sam's face. It was priceless and so cute. I texted Maya.

To my ugly🙈💗: meet me out front!

From my ugly🙈💗: already there bbg!

I looked up from my phone and saw Maya. "Hey girly" she said mocking me. "Hey faggot" I stuck my tongue out. "Ready to go dress shopping" she cheered. "Ready as I'll ever be" I said faking a smile. I was nervous cuz wat if Sam hated the dress. I hope he likes it.

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