Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

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(A/N, question of the day, what are your thoughts on Hayden so far? Please comment, vote, and share.)

"Parents are reminded that students are not permitted to bring their own broomstick," I read from my letter.

"Hagrid, where are we going to get all of this?" Harry asked the giant.

"Why, Diagon Alley of course!" Hagrid said as though it was obvious.

"We are also broke," I reminded him.

"We will fix that, Hayden, you two, in here," Hagrid led us into a pub.

When we walked in everyone went silent.

"Is that Harry Potter?" A man asked seeing my brother.

"W-what?" He asked confused.

"It is!" People started to whisper about my brother, none about me.

Hagrid led us through the bar to a man who wore a turban on his head. Being next to him gave me the Heeby jibes. My instincts were giving me a good read on him. I noticed my tips started to turn a purple color, and it got darker the closer we to him.

"Harry, Hayden, this is Professor Quirrell. He will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," Hagrid introduced.

Harry moved to shake his hand, but I didn't attempt. He backed away and wouldn't take my brother's hand. I thought it was odd, to say the least, but I didn't speak up.

"Well, best to get going. It was nice to see you professor," Hagrid said with a warm smile.

We were led to a bank. It was filled with hard-working goblins. We made our way to the front. Hagrid introduced us and we were led to separate vaults. When Harry opened his it was filled to the brim with money. My eyes widened; our parents were rich. Then we went to my fault. There was still a boatload of money but mine was filled with other things. Objects and books. I started looking through the books, smiling. This is my connection with my parents. The tips of my hair went a yellow color as I looked through all of the objects.

"Hurry it up, we haven't all day," the goblin snapped.

I grabbed a few books, a few objects, and plenty of money. I was flipping through a book on notorious magical objects, I find interesting, I mean Goodrich Gryffindor's sword, the philosopher's stone, and the locket of Slytherin. All I wanted to do was learn as much as possible about this new world.

"What's first on that list?" Hagrid asked me.

"Robes," I told him. I had a plan for the order we were going to get things, and I was sticking to my plan.

He took us into a robe store. Me and harry were taken to a backroom where another boy about our age stood also getting fitted. He had slicked-back blonde hair and grey eyes. The seamstress led me on the small pedestal next to him, and my twin on his other side.

"So, what's your blood purity?" The boy asked.

Me and harry shared a confused look. What in the hell is blood purity and why didn't Hagrid tell us about this?

"Our parents were wizards," I said guessing at an answer.

"So pureblood?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.

I just shrugged my shoulders, unsure of how to respond.

"God, are you like the bloody Weasleys? Don't care about something as important as blood purity?" The blond sneered.

"God, are you always this bloody annoying and judgmental?" I asked matching his tone, my tips turning an unnatural red color. 

"Watch who you're talking to little girl. Do you know who I am?" He sneered at me.

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