Chapter forty one

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The first to arrive were our deltas, Mick decided to bring his mate Isla, and for good reason. They just found out she's pregnant, but in stead of this being the happiest moment of their lives they have cause for concern.

"Where is she now Mick?" I ask looking around for his mate.

"I left her in the pack hospital with your mom, they said she will have to be there for a while. They said she was suffering from shock and the stress isn't good for our pup or her. I sware if I ever get my hands on that piece of shit I'll kill him!" He growls out.

"Back up and tell us what happened, then you can be excused to join your mate. We'll fill you in about the meeting later," I tell him thinking how I would feel if it was Scarlett.

"She was out for a run, I had just got back from patrol and was getting something to eat. Then I felt her terror and sorrow, it was like I was hit by a train. I couldn't get to her fast enough," he stops and covers his mouth breathing hard.

"You ok?" We all ask then he grabs the trash and vomits.
We look at each other worriedly, grabbing a water bottle I hand it to him when he's done. "Are you alright to do this?" I ask him concerned.

"I have to Raven," he says with determination.
Nodding I let him gather himself to continue.

"When I got there she was screaming and crying and just inconsolable. It took me a minute to understand what I was seeing... or should I say who. It was Isla's best friends, or they were....he cut them into pieces and left them where he knew she would find them. Val was six months pregnant.....her pup was still in her womb."

"Fuck" we say collectively.
From the reports I got from the other Alphas they weren't the only ones.

"Alpha can I please let my mate stay here?" Mick asks.

I can feel his desperation to keep her safe and nod my head, "will you be able to stand not being close to her? Especially now that she's carrying your pup?" I ask.

"It's better than letting that monster anywhere near my mate," he growls.

We all agree even Chris, Marco, and Fredrick, who haven't found their mates yet. Now I'm wondering if they even want to.
Mick finishes his report of the events then heads down to the hospital to tend to his distressed mate.

I sit so that I won't pace like I want to and listen to the others make their reports. It seems that Rohan only left remains in certain locations, I wonder if that has some kind of significance or if... I don't know. Moon Goddess please help us and keep us safe.

Scarlett's POV

While I've been napping and relaxing, something has happened, I don't know what but it has to be bad. Why do you ask? because Kohaku woke me to tell me so.

Kohaku- hey wake up, wake up something's wrong.

Immediately I jolt up looking at my pups, they are quietly talking to each other but my sudden movement startled them. "Sorry my beautiful babies, it's ok." I tell them and the girls go back to their conversation. My boys continue to watch me for a second before they start to gurgle to each other.

Ok Kohaku what's wrong? I ask her.

Kohaku- Ren put up his walls and that's never happened, especially now that we've had our pups he's been very present so somethings up. Also I can feel he's stressing out I just can't tell why.

Ok let me try Rave, while I do that keep an eye on the pups.

Kohaku- ok

Closing my eyes we switch feeling her take over she opens my eyes and listens with my ears. Outwardly most wouldn't be able to tell because both of us have gold eyes, except for her eyes glow. That's how you can really tell the difference, until we talk that is because our personalities are not the same.

I focus on Rave and sure enough his walls are up. Before I can knock Kohaku says the boys stopped talking and are staring at us.

"Are they scared?" I ask worried.

Kohaku- no more like curious. She smiles at them softly and they start talking again.

Well at least we don't freak them out.

Focusing I try knocking on Raven's wall, he doesn't answer so I try again with more force. He still ignored me ok now I'm getting irritated, I try again and yell for good measure.


With that he's gone, the wall is back in place and harder than before.

You're right Kohaku somethings wrong, I wish I could help him but he's not going to let me I can feel it.

Kohaku- did he say that?

Well no just that he would fill me in later but I can tell it's really bad. Knowing him he's going to try and shoulder whatever it is on his own.

Kohaku- that sounds like our mate, Ren is just as bad.

This is a partnership, we will just have to remind them of it, it's fine to love each other and want to shield them from the horrors life can throw at you, but no one should walk that path alone if they don't have to.

Kohaku- I agree, but that's probably how they feel about the whole having to learn these elements not to mention how our pregnancy had been.

You have a point and I know it has weighed heavily on them.

Kohaku- maybe we should compromise to yes be informed but support them in handling it.

Haven't we been doing that already?

Kohaku- maybe we need to tell them again then to reassure them. We just need to let them know no matter what we love and support them.

"That we have their back and that we can be their pillar to hold them up or by their side while we kick ass together," I add.

Kohaku- yes so when they come in don't get all twenty questions on their gorgeous ass let them bring it up got it!

Yes I do

Kohaku- ok let's switch back I guess, when are we going to show the pups me in my form?

I don't know sweetie but if they are curious like you said let's ask Rave tonight and we can do it here, sound good?

Kohaku- yeah

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