|Chapter 34|

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Rima left Sasaki dumbfounded and cheeks red and hot. Though he wouldn't admit it, he loved how Rima could keep him on his toes, never letting him know what she was going to do.

As Sasaki shook his hand and turned to follow him, a thought struck him.

What did Rima mean by 'I will protect you from everything I can... even if it's myself '?


In A Abandoned Building A Few Hours Away....

"Have you prepared a group for the extraction yet, Ayato?"A emotionless man asked, his voice booming clear even through the metal mask covering his lower face.

"Yeah. A group of 12 is coming with me, Tatara-san..."Ayato said almost lazily. Tatara nodded, looking over the small group that now had assembled behind the young but dangerous ghoul.

"Good. You will set out to complete your mission in a week from today,"Tatara ordered, his voice ringing clear through their ears."I want Hizake Rima in this room no later then a few days after you have her in your custody, is that understood?"

Ayato nodded,"Yes sir."


Ayato and his underlings started to file out of the small meeting room, but upon his leaders order Ayato stopped letting the other ghouls exit the room before turning to his leader.


"That girl that is with you... Hinami... She was once a friend of Hizake's right?"Tatara asked as he looked out a lone window into the nights sky.

Ayato hesitated before nodding,"Yeah... Hizake and that white haired bastards. Why?"

Tatara was quiet for a minute before turning to gaze into Ayato's eyes deeply, sending a shiver down the young ghouls spine.

"She is to know of none of this. She may still have a connection with our... experiment... and I don't want any form of uprisings from her in order to protect something that is not hers to begin with..."

Ayato nodded slowly,"I can assure you that Hinami would not go against me but... if that how you want it, then I won't tell her."

"Good. You are now dismissed."Tatara said.

Ayato left, a cloud of confusion over his mind. Ever since that girl had came into contact with the Aogiri Tree - more specifically Tatara - his leader had become more and more obsessed with the small girl. Ayato just couldn't understand why the cold leader wanted that girl back. It wasn't like they couldn't make a new half-breed.

But one way or another, Ayato was going to find out why the Aogiri Tree leader wanted this girl over anything else...

With Sasaki and Rima...

"Cool~! This is your office? It looks just like the ones on tv!"

Sasaki laughed at Rima's expression of admiration as she looked around his slightly cluttered office that he shared with the others. It was a few hours after the conversation he had with Rima on the balcony, and since he had to go to work, he thought it would be a good chance to show Rima the office that she would be sharing with him once she graduated from the CCG Academy.

"Sorry it's a little cluttered right now, I've been busy with a few cases and haven't had time to straighten up."Sasaki admitted as he took a seat in a office chair, setting his briefcase next to him. Rima followed his action, sitting in the other office chair wheeling it to Sasaki's side.

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