Jin (World Trigger)

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I met Jin three months ago in a coffee shop. I was sitting at a table, minding my own business as I compared how I liked living here instead of where the humans called "the Neighborhood."

Suddenly, somebody sat down in the chair across from me, his hands laced together as he rested his chin on them. "Hello," he said.

I nodded in response, looking down at my hot chocolate.

"Why are you drinking hot chocolate in a coffee shop?"

"They had it on the menu and I like it better than coffee."

"Then why come into a coffee shop?"

"Why do you keep asking questions?" I asked, getting tired of answering silly questions.

"Just curious. I've noticed you come in quite often." Before I could ask if he was following me, he continued, "I normally sit over there," while pointing towards an area.

"It's Jin!" a voice shrieked. I flinched from the high pitch in her voice.

"OMG It is him!" her friend said. I sighed in annoyance as the two came over.

They kept talking and asking him questions, one of them glancing at me occasionally. I wasn't paying attention until I heard, "Is she your girlfriend?"

I glanced up in confusion, wondering why that was asked.

"Oh, no, she's my friend, (Y/N)." My gaze went to him in surprise as I haven't told him my name.

"Oh, does she fight those evil Neighbors as well?"

I got up, not liking this conversation, and left the coffee shop. His outfit and that question, he must be a border agent.

Since then, I ran into him almost everywhere I went. And every time, he would strike up a conversation with me. I was beginning to like him but I had to remind myself that I wasn't from Earth.

Today, I was in a store that was close to where I was staying when I spotted him. I was rounding the bend of an isle when he was standing there, looking at the items on the shelf. My breath caught as I stepped back, hoping he didn't notice me.

After a few minutes, I peered around the bend to see that he was gone. A sigh of relief escaped my lips.

That relief was short lived as arms wrapped around my waist.

I yelped in surprise, dropping my basket of items as I tried to push the person away as they laughed behind me.

I turned my head to find that it was Jin who grabbed me. "Hello, my little neighbor," he said, that same smile as always on his face.

I stiffened as he called me a neighbor. How did he know? I thought, not recalling ever telling him or any instances that could have given me away. I struggled to remove myself from his grasp. "Let go of me."

His grip tightened as he buried his head in the crook of my neck. "Nope," he said, popping the 'p'.

I could feel heat rush to my face as he seemed to enjoy burying his face in my neck. "L-Let go, Jin!" I struggled some more.

He chuckled as he finally let my waist go, but he kept a hand around my wrist, thus preventing me from leaving.

"I like you."

Frozen, I stared at him. He could be trying to get me to let my guard down to take me in.

"I haven't done anything nor do I know anything about the Neighborhood. I don't know what your angle is but-"

"I just like you," he repeated. "I actually like Neighbors when they're not trying to attack Earth."

I was still cautious. He bent down, pulling me along since he still held my wrist, and started picking up some of the items that fell out of the basket. "Good thing you didn't grab eggs, otherwise they'd be broken."

After everything was back in the basket, I picked it up and was lead to the register. "I still need-"

"These?" he asked, holding the last item I needed. He placed it on the counter with everything else and proceeded to pay for it.

(8/12/21) Another oneshot I had tucked away for years but never uploaded. I might have more to post today but I have to see what I wrote lol.

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