Masrur x Sharrkan (Magi)

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This is a oneshot between Masrur and Sharrkan. No reader, sorry you can't gave your threesome XD

Every time he's around, my eyes focus on him.

My ears focus on his voice.

Even my mind makes me think odd things about him.

Sharrkan was sitting next to Spartos again, drunk.

Sinbad threw another party and everyone, except Ja'far and I, were drunk.

Sharrkan stumbled over to me with a glass in his hand. "You should relax mooore~ Take a siip," he stuttered.

I shook my head and he pouted. "Com'on~" he whined.

I took the glass from his hand and took a small sip, then placed the glass on a nearby table.

"You know..." Sharrkan started, but then fainted. I caught him before he hit the ground. With a sigh, I picked him up and carried him to his room bridal style.

It was easier to carry him this way.

His arms wrapped around my neck and he snuggled into my chest. I sighed in content as I continued to carry him.

As we reached his room, I shifted him enough to open the door and walked to his bed. When I went to put him down, he tightened his grip around me.

I was trying to be gentle while removing him but he just wouldn't let go.

So I just laid down beside him.

I must have been tired because I don't remember falling asleep. Movement had woken me up.

I opened my eyes and watched as Sharrkan stirred. His eyes opened slowly and looked at me.

His eyes widened and pushed himself away from me, at least as far as he could with my arms around him.

"Wha-what are you doing!?" he asked, sounding surprised and blushing.

"I was sleeping," I stated. He looked at me for a moment.

"I meant in my bed."

"You were drunk," I started, "I carried you here and you wouldn't let go."

He stared at me, his facing turning red again.

"So you slept beside me?"

I nodded.

"A-and you're holding me?"


"Did... Did anything else happen?"

I shook my head and he sighed in relief.

I continued to stare at him and noticed he started to fidget. I leaned closer to him and sniffed him. "You smell..."

"Like alcohol? I was drinking last night." I shook my head. "Like what then?" I shrugged my shoulders. His eye twitched in annoyance. "I'm going to get a shower..."

As he stood up I grabbed his arm and pulled him back, pinning him to the bed. He looked up at me with wide eyes.

"M-Masrur! Wh-what are you doing!?" Sharrkan asked, panic laced in his voice.

I leaned down and touched my lips on his. I felt him stiffen and try to push me away.

I pulled away and looked down at his blushing face. He was stuttering incoherent words and avoiding eye contact. He finally gave up trying to speak and was silent for a while.

"Sharrkan." He wouldn't look at me. "Sharrkan." Again, wouldn't look at me. I leaned down, close to his neck and started kissing it. His body stiffened again.

"M-Masrur! Get off!"

I pulled away to see his blushing face. "No," I said. I leaned down again and started nipping and sucking on his neck, making him gasp. He squirmed under me but soon gave up.

I pulled back to see the mark I left on him. I then looked him in the eyes and said, "Mine."

He looked confused at first but then his eyes widened.

"Wh-what!?" We stared for a few minutes before he looked away. "We're guys... You can't just claim me anyway..." he said. He sounded disappointed somewhat.

"I just did." He chuckled. "I feel different when I'm with you compared to others."

"I feel something for you too, Masrur, but we're guys-"

"I don't care," I said. I kissed him on the lips passionately. He relaxed enough and wrapped his arms around my neck.

I moved my knee, which happened to be between his legs, and felt something hard. Sharrkan gasped a little and tried to move away but I wouldn't let him.

I continued to kiss him until a knock was on the door.

"Master! It's time to get up," Alibaba's voice says through the door.

Sharrkan coughs and says, "I-I'll be out in a little bit..."

"Okay!" Footsteps could be heard walking away.

I continue where we left off.

When Sharrkan finally met up with Alibaba, I noticed he was having a hard time keeping up like usual. Maybe we should have waited until tonight...

I know it is random since most of this book is x reader but sometimes a ship needs to be put in here. If you enjoyed this little oneshot ship, please leave a vote/comment!

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