Klein (SAO)

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I was struggling against a monster in a room. My HP was low and if I took another attack, I wouldn't make it.

Just before the monster attacked me, someone had defeated it. I fell to the ground and sighed in relief that I will live another day.

I looked up to the man who saved me and his friends. He had red hair and dark eyes. I thought he was pretty hot.

I blushed at my thoughts as he held out a hand, helping me stand up.

"Th-thanks..." I muttered, unable to meet his gaze.

"No p-problem," he replied, blushing too. He started mumbling stuff then bowed. "Klein, I'm 23, single," and just kept going.

I giggled at his silliness and seen his ears go redder. "My name is (Y/N) and I am single too."

He stood up straight, shook my hand like a robot and asked, "Wo-would y-you be...." He paused as if he was trying to calm himself.

"Klein," I said, getting his attention, "would you like to go on a date?"

He stuttered for a moment before simply nodding his head.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight then," I said as I sent him a friend request, watching as he readily accepted. "See ya later~" I said, teleporting out of the room.

Who loves Klein? If not then why did you read this? Jk But who is your favorite SAO character?

^_^ I know it's a quick read but it was a random thing while I was doing nothing.
I hope you liked this and remember to like a vote so I know you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading!

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