Ban Midou (GetBackers)

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I had wrote this on paper last year and lost it, forgetting about it. But I found and here it is!

My friend introduced me too Get Backers and it is one of my favorites, mostly because Ginji goes chibi.

"Why the hell are we going camping?" an annoyed Ban asked.

"I told you that you didn't have to come," I said, frustrated that he was complaining after arguing that he was coming with Ginji and I. The blonde and I planned this trip for weeks so we weren't just going to cancel.

Ginji was helping me set up the tents while Ban was gathering wood for the fire as he grumbled.

If he hated camping so much, why did he seem so set on coming?

He set up the fire, muttering under his breath as he lit it then lit his cigarette, taking a big puff before blowing out the smoke. After the tents were set up, I watched as Ban stared off into the fire.

"Ban," I called out. He turned his head slightly to show that he was listening. "Are you alright?"

He stayed silent for a while before responding, "Yeah."

"You sure?"

"I said yeah," he said, sounding even more annoyed. I sighed and retrieved our food from Ms. Ladybug.

It was around lunch time so I pulled out three boxed lunches that I had made the night before (don't worry, they were in a cooler) and made my way back to the fire. I handed Ginji his then walked to the opposite side of the fire to hand Ban his while I sat down beside him.

"Maybe you're hungry," I said, opening my box to start eating. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he opened his box, revealing his favorite food, only to close it and put it on the ground.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked, concerned. He just stared across the fire.

My gaze followed his to see Ginji enjoying his food happily. He suddenly tensed and looked at us.

"What," he asked, "something on my face?" His eyes locked onto Ban's for a moment before he looked away. "I'm not hungry anymore..." he said as he got up to put his food away.

I sighed and looked at Ban to find him burning holes into the fire. "Ban."

No response.

"Ban," I called again.

No response.

I sighed as I stood up to walk away when I finally heard him say, "What?"

Still standing, I asked, "Why did you come camping if you don't like it?"

We stayed quiet for several minutes before I commented, "Who knew the invincible Ban Midou would act like a child." Ban glanced at me with a glare at the mocking tone I held.

I turned to walk away as a hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me down and onto his lap and his arms around my waist.

After a few moments, I laughed. "What's so funny?" he asked.

"You were jealous that I was going camping with Ginji," I giggled. "You should confess to him before someone else sweeps him off his feet," I joked.

"What!?" he shouted, "What makes you think I like HIM in that way!?"

"Well..." I continued, smirking as I talked, "you were determined to come with us though you didn't really want to come. You didn't want me to make a move on him~"

"NO! I didn't want him to make a move on YOU."

We sat quietly, my smirk becoming an actual smile as I leaned into his chest. He sighed as he pulled me closer, resting his chin on the top of my head.

"I like you too, Ban."

It seemed he was about to say something before Ginji ran over and hugged us from behind, yelling, "Group hug!"

Did you watch/read Get Backers? I haven't read the manga so I don't know what happens in it but I really did like the anime. If you can, maybe go check it out because I think it's not talked about enough.

My OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon