Natsu AU (Fairy Tail)

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Do you believe fairies would have tails if we knew they existed?

It was another ordinary day in Magnolia. The sky was blue, couples were holding hands and the smell of baked goods filled the air.

In the park stood Magnolia's tallest tree, hanging from the branches were a bunch of small little houses.

It was said that if one were to build a small house and hang it as high as they could, the fairies of the tree would bring them good luck.

Believing this, a little girl with dark hair and dark eyes ran up to the tree with a small house in her hands. She was so small that she couldn't reach the lowest branch.

"Need some help?" a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair asked, bending down to be eye level with the girl. The girl nodded her head and handed the taller girl her miniature house.

"There we go, I am sure the fairies will love the small house you built them," she said, hanging the house from a branch, "what's your name, little one?"

"Asuka!" the girl said happily.

"Asuka, what a beautiful name for a little girl such as yourself. My name is (Y/N)."

"Thank you big sis (Y/N)!" Asuka said.

"Asuka! Don't run off so fast!" a pink haired male said, "Alzack and Bisca would kill me if something happened to you."

"Sowwy big brother Natsu," Asuka said with a pout.

Natsu looked up at (Y/N), onyx eyes meeting (e/c) ones. "Hey, thank you for helping her," he said with a smile.

"No problem, the fairies wouldn't be happy if I ignored someone in need," she said.

Natsu took Asuka away as (Y/N) leaned against the tree. Something lands on her shoulder and she glances at it.

"You're always so kind to the young ones," a blonde fairy with hazel eyes said. Then she said, "You should be more careful when talking about fairies. We are supposed to be secret, remember?"

No need to worry, Lucy. The little kids always grow up and forget anyway."

"You didn't," Lucy said blantly, "and you mentioned fairies to that boy. He was kind of cute though..." Lucy sighed. She stiffened suddenly, saying, "Someone's coming," and flew back up into the tree.

"Hey," a voice called. (Y/N) moved her gaze to the voice, it was that Natsu person.

"Hey, I didn't get your name."

"It's (Y/N). Where did Asuka go, Natsu?"

He looked like he just realized he left her again. "Uh, would you like to come with us? We were going to get ice cream."

"I would love to," she replied. Natsu grabbed her hand with a smile and pulled her to where he left Asuka.

Meanwhile, up in a small house that was placed some years ago, sat Lucy and a white haired fairy looking down on (Y/N), giggling.

"They are going to make a cute couple," the white haired fairy said.

"I agree, Mira."

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