Ryuji - Blue/Ao no Exorcist

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Blue/Ao no Exorcist

They and (Y/N) are like seniors in high school or freshmen in college. idrc which.

"Com'on RuRu~" I purred in Bon's ear. He backed up and covered his ear.

"No and didn't I tell you to quit that!" he semi-shouted at me. My tail swished back and forth in a playful manner.

"But why not? I would love to go to the dance with you~"

A light pink dusted his cheeks. "I don't go to dances. I think they're pointless."

"Such a bum," I said. I turned around to face Shima, "Will you go with me and have fun? I don't wanna go alone."

Shima grew a big smile and said, "Sure thing (Y/N), it'll be fun!"

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow night!" I said and bounded out the door towards home.

~~~~~next night~~~~~

"I thought you said these were pointless," I commented as Bon met me at the door instead of Shima.

"I did."

"Then why are you here?" I asked with a huff, arms crossed.

He sighed then said, "Because I am." His face was pink and he avoided eye contact when he said that.

I got up in his face with a smirk. "Was you jealous that I was going with Shima? How cute~"

"Th-that isn't it!" he said, face turning redder. "I just felt bad because you really wanted to go with me."

"Uh huh~ Well, let's go in!" I said while grabbing his wrist and dragging him inside

We talked with the others for awhile until a slow song came on. Everyone started dancing while Bon and I stood by the bleachers. He seemed a bit awkward/nervous.

"Let's dance," I said, dragging him onto the dance floor. Hand in hand and my other hand on his waist, I was swinging him to the music.

"Shouldn't I be leading?" he asked, moving my hand to his shoulder and his to my waist. He had a major blush.

"Why? Because I'm shorter?" I asked, pouting and tail swishing side to side. He just rolled his eyes and seemed to relax bit by bit as we danced.

By the end of the song, he seemed confident about something. "I have to tell you something."

"I'm listening." He cleared his throat.

"I really like you, (Y/N). A lot. I didn't know how else to tell you and if it wasn't for you dragging me onto the dance floor, I don't think I would have gathered the confidence to tell you."

By the end, he was blushing badly. I smiled up at him then cupped his cheeks in my hands. "And here I thought I was gonna have to say it first~" I pulled his lips to mine in a sweet, gentle kiss. When I pulled away, cracking could be heard behind me.

I glance over my shoulder to see... Dun dun duuuuuuuuun,
KANDA YUU! My fraternal twin brother who was cracking his knuckles! (lol)

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from him!?" he yelled.

"But... but... I love him brother dear!"

"I don't care! We're going home!" Kanda grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from Bon.

"I'll see you tomorrow, RuRu! Maybe we can have some fun!~" I purred. Bon's face turned darker than Lavi's hair while Kanda growled.

"Not if I can help it," Kanda mumbled darkly.

Tired and bored, exorcists from two different anime lol. Didn't know how to end it so Kanda popped up XD

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Do you prefer D. Gray Man or Blue Exorcist?
I prefer D Gray Man myself.

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