Masrur (Magi)

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Magi series

Both are naked but no sex. lol.

I am taking a shower after a long day of work in the Sindria Palace. The warm water hitting against my skin feels great.

I am just sitting on the shower chair about to pour some shampoo when I hear the door open and footsteps approaching me. "Hello Masrur~" I call, looking back up into his beautiful red eyes.

"Hello (Y/N)," he replies, his usual stoic expression on his face. He grabs the shampoo out of my hands and pours it into his own.

I have my back to him and start humming a tune as he gently massages the shampoo into my hair. "Tilt," he says. I comply by tilting my head back and he rinses the shampoo out.

I get up and stretch. "Your turn Masrur!" He sits down in the chair with his usual "hmm" and allows me to was his hair. I can smell the sweet scent of the shampoo and lean towards his neck, giving him a kiss.

His eyes are closed and his muscles are relaxed. I love seeing him so calm. "Tilt, love," I said, and he tilted his head back for me to rinse.

His eyes are open, staring back into mine. I kiss his forehead and receive one of his rare smiles that I can almost always get him to show wherever and whenever.

We continue to wash ourselves, getting each other's backs and light kisses here and there.

Once we finish, we get dressed and head towards my room. He opens the door for me and follows me to my bed.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down onto the bed which he lowers himself slowly onto. I remove my arms from around his neck and wrap them around his torso. He gently pulls me closer by my shoulders and hums a little lullaby as we snuggle closer.

"How was your day, love?" I ask, looking into his face. I see his face tense slightly and rub his back as I, once again, put my head to his chest. "It's alright, I'm here for you now." He pulls me close and continues humming. "Goodnight, Masrur."

He kisses my head and says, "Goodnight (Y/N)." We drift off into la-la-land in each other's arms.

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I know there aren't many named but who is your favorite fannailis?
Mine is Morgiana

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