Erza Scarlett (Fairy Tail)

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Set modernly.

Did you ever see anything that others might not have?

I sat under a tree, looking up at the clear sky, when I noticed something coming in view of the sun.

I was confused at first until I recalled the news mentioning a solar eclipse.

I continued to watch as the moon was just starting to block the sun, not caring if my eyes got damaged. Being abused at home and school can do that to someone.

A hand was suddenly placed over my eyes which caused me to stiffen and make an inaudible gasp. I was worried that the person was going to hurt me when a voice said, "You shouldn't look at a solar eclipse, it will make you go blind."

The hand is replaced with glasses and I turned my gaze to a woman my age with long red hair and brown eyes. I got lost in her gaze for a moment.

"Here, these should help prevent damage if you want to look at the eclipse." She smiled kindly at me before sitting down and pulling out her own pair.

"What's your name?" I asked. "Mine is (Y/N)."

"Erza," she said without looking at me.

I turned my gaze towards the eclipse and we sat there in silence the entire time. Once it was over, I looked over at her and said, "Why did you give me these?"

She took his off and looked at me. "Why? Because you would have damaged you eyes."

"So what? I wouldn't have cared..." I said, looking away from Erza.

"The world can be beautiful," she said, "and if you went blind, you wouldn't be able to see any of it."

I blushed slightly and turned just enough where I could see her in the corner of my eye. "What beauty? No one at home loves me and no one at school cares... this world is nothing but a disgusting worthless speck..."

She frowned at my comment but soon stood up with a smile. "Why don't you come with me? I can show you how beautiful the world can be."

She extended her hand for me to take. I stared at it long and hard. Doesn't matter if I stay or go, I would still be abused anyway... With a sigh, I took her hand.

It felt warm in mine as we started walking.

I couldn't focus on anything but our linked hands for a while until she stopped and turned to me.

"This is where I live. I'll introduce you to my friends and we can all be one big family."

I was confused. Was she showing me her friends or family?

We walked in to be greeted by a bunch of happy faces, all though some of them were fighting.

"Everyone!" Erza yelled, getting everyone's attention. "Meet (Y/N), whom you all better be nice to because (Y/N) will now be living with me."

I blushed as she said I was going to be living with her. She could have left me anywhere but decided that I stayed with her. Why?

I stayed beside Erza the rest of the day as everyone came over to ask me questions. I kept mostly quiet since I did not know what to say to these people.

By the time it was to go to bed, Erza led me to her room. She crawled into her bed as I stood there, glancing between the door and her bed.

"Are you coming?" I heard her ask.

I nodded and slowly made my way to the bed and crawled under the sheets.

I made sure to stay at the edge of the bed but arms pulled me closer to a body.

"You don't have to be that far," she said. Then she said, "Face me."

I did as I was told and she pulled me closer to her chest while stroking my hair.

"You'll be fine now, I won't let anyone hurt you."

My eyes drifted close as I yawned. The last thing I heard her say was, "Welcome to the family."

I really hope you liked it! Please vote and comment! It was my first one with a girl lol.

Thank you and have a nice day!/night!

My OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ