Mikuni (Servamp)

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It's Mikuni's birthday today! I just wrote up a quick story for him since I didn't write one for him yet. ENJOY!

It was 1:30am on the 1st of October and Johannes was up to his usual experiments.

And Jeje was his test subject.

He snuck into Mikuni's room, looking around quietly for the vampire snake. He gave up looking for the servamp of envy and stood over the eve's bed instead.


"Morning, Johannes! Have you seen master Jeje?"

"Ah! (Y/N)! Try this drink-"

"Johannes, you bastard!"

The two turned their attention to a kid with blond hair and brown eyes in Jeje's arms.

"Ne, master Jeje, who's the brat?" (Y/N) said as she sauntered up the the servamp that saved her life. Once she was up close, she knew who it was. "Mikuni?" she said with a bit of a laugh.

Mikuni's face turned red as he looked away. "I didn't know you were here..." He looked back at Johannes with a glare.

(Y/N) suddenly grabbed little Mikuni and held him close, rubbing her face against his. "You're so cute, Kuni! So cute I could eat you up," she said showing her fangs as she smiled and laughed.

Mikuni tensed in the girl's arms as she held him tigher. Another laugh caught his attention. "Shut up and fix this, Johannes."

"Happy birthday, Mikuni," the crazy scientist laughed, "I was going to give you a kid Jeje but he was missing~"

All eyes turned to Jeje as he looked away. Mikuni wasn't happy that his servamp didn't prevent this when he could have.

(Y/N) continued to hold little Mikuni as she walked to a chair. "Just stay like this, Kuni. I think you're adorable." She sat him on her lap and held him there. "Besides, I am happy to spoil a little kid on their birthday! They grow up so fast."

And that's what (Y/N) did. She treated Mikuni like a little kid. Not that he minded. In fact, he wished she'd spoil him when he gets back to normal.

Minutes turned to hours and day turned to night. Jeje disappeared as (Y/N) snuggled with little Mikuni. Her eyes started to drift close when the weight on her lap suddenly got heavy.

She looked up into the brown eyes of a full grown Mikuni. He smiled down at her with his usual smile which caused a light blush to form on her cheeks.

"Welcome to adulthood again, Kuni," the girl chuckled.

He moved to a position that he could easily pin her down. "You know, (Y/N)," he started, leaning close to her face, "my birthday isn't quite over yet... and I still want to be spoiled~"

(Y/N) blushed some more and simply nodded her head. "Happy birthday, Mikuni-chan."

Did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments and leave a vote! Either is highly appreciated!

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