Natsu x Lucy (Fairy Tail)

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Natsu visited Lucy's place again but she was no where to be found. "Where do you think she is, Happy?"

The blue cat with wings didn't respond. When Natsu turned toward him, Happy was reading something. "I don't think you should be reading that, buddy. Remember what happened last time when we just LOOKED at her story?"

"Quiet, Natsu." The dragon slayer looked at his friend. Then he walked over to see what was so interesting.

The first few lines didn't make since to him. Lucy was writing about 2 people and kissing... What was the big deal? He continued to glaze over the page as someone kicked him.

"What are you two idiots doing?" a familiar voice yelled.

Natsu looked up at Lucy and said, "You didn't have to kick me so hard, Luce..." while rubbing his head. "By the way, what were those two doing?"

Lucy's face turned red. "If you don't know then why should I tell you?" she asked.

"I mean, I know what kissing is but why were they enjoying it so much?"

"Just drop it!"

Natsu stood up and walked over to Lucy, stopping a few inches away. He stared into her chocolate brown eyes as she stared back into his onyx ones. He started to lean closer...

"Kya!!" Lucy shrieked as she slapped him. He stared at her in shock then huffed.

"You didn't have to slap me..."

"What do you thi- omf!" Natsu pulled her to him and kissed her. She was stiff but soon relaxed and kissed back. After a few moments, they separated. Lucy's face turned redder than Erza's hair.


"Hey Luce," Natsu said while grabbing her story, "can we continue like them?"


"Can I at least kiss you again?" Natsu asked, surprising Lucy.

"O-ok..." So Natsu leaned in and kissed her again. They both felt sparks and Natsu pulled away.

"You two looooovee each other~" a forgotten blue cat said, ruining the moment.

"GET OUT OF HERE!!" Lucy yelled as she threw both Happy and Natsu out of her house.

"Why me too!?" Natsu yelled as Lucy slammed her window shut and closed the curtains. Both the dragon slayer and celestial spirit user were confused and the next day agreed not to talk about it.

But Happy had other ideas and told the whole guild, which led to Mira asking about a wedding and babies.

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