Grey (Megaman ZX Advent)

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Grey x Reader
Megaman ZX Advent game

What game do you play the most?

'There's too many of them. Let's retreat and bring back-up.'

"I got this Model R," I said to my biometal. I shot at a few more Mavericks, successfully taking them out. Just as I was about to destroy a few more, I was shot from behind. "Agh!" I fell to the ground, blood seeping from the wounds I had sustained.

'I told you we should have retreated...' Model R said, sounding annoyed.

"Shut up..." The Mavericks surrounded me in no time. I closed my eyes, prepared for pain and death, but loud noises made me open them again.

A boy wearing biometal was destroying the Mavericks that surrounded me, getting rid of them all.

He walked over to me and held a hand out to help me up. I looked into his green eyes. Wow... I thought but shook the thought out of my mind and glared at him as I struggled to stand on my own.

"My name is Grey, are you okay?"

"(Y/N), and I had the situation under control," I said, still glaring at him.

"Didn't look like it to me."

"W-Well I did," I huffed and went to stomp away but ended up limping away instead with him following behind me.

Once I got to the nearest Hunters Camp, he disappeared and my best friend Aile takes care of my wounds.

"Bit off more than you could chew again, (Y/N)?" she chuckled.

"Shut uuuuup..." I whined


It's been a few months and I was finally cleared to go back out into the field. And lucky me, there was a mission.

There was a hoard of Mavericks in a village and we had to get rid of them and save the civilians. There was only one major problem with the mission.

HE was coming. And wouldn't you know that I was partnered with that white haired jerk.

"Maybe you can handle it this time," he muttered.

"What did you just say?"

He sighed and walked on toward the village. I followed behind him, glaring holes into the back of his head.

All of a sudden, Mavericks attacked us. We took out all of them and I said, "Yay! We did it!" I raised my hand up in the air for a high five but he just stared at me. "Are you just gonna leave me hanging?"

He sighed and high-fived me but I noticed his cheeks were a little pink.

"You should smile more instead of always glaring a me," he said.

"What?" I asked, turning pink.

"You look cute when you smile so you should do it more often."

I looked away from him and said, "I think you're cute too..." I could feel my face heating up.

I glanced back at him and seen his face was even darker than before.

"Do you think we can start again? I was a bit... mean the first time."

"Sure," he said, "my name is Grey."

"(Y/N)," I reply. We shake hands and just before we let go, I pulled him close to me and kissed his cheek. He face was as red as a tomato.

"Race you back to camp!" I called out to him as I made my get away.

"Hey!" he laughed as he chased me.

After that, we went on a few dates that were fun. I don't care if he's a reploid or human. Grey is Grey and I like him the way he is.

First game character lol, please leave cote and comment if you liked it!

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