🍋Sinbad (Magi)

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AU to Sinbad no Bouken

Male (Y/N) x Sinbad. Just because.

I have been attending Sindria High School for a little over a month now. I loved everything about the school and the Sindrian neighborhood.

I am sitting in my seat when Sinbad, a senior like me, and his crew walked in. As a guy, I think he is pretty hot. Though I won't say that out loud because he is on the basketball team and he is a player. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up with a kid before he graduates with all the girls he's had.

"Hey (Y/N), how are you today?" Sinbad asked.

"Fine," I replied. Ever since I came out, two weeks after starting, to a girl and said I am openly gay (the girl wouldn't leave me alone about going on a date), Sinbad started talking to me. It made me suspicious about it since he never even said hi to me.

"What are you doing?"

"Finishing last minute homework."

"Really? Here, let's compare answers!" he said, sliding next to me and draping his arm over my shoulders. I was unable to relax since I have had bad experience with others once I come out gay. I didn't trust him.

We compared answers, a lot of his being wrong and I had to explain why they were wrong. The teacher finally came in and Sinbad took his sit behind me. I could feel him staring but refused to turn around.

About halfway through the class, I got up to go to the restroom. While I was in there, the door opens and someone steps up beside me. "That class sure is boring." I glanced at the person next to me. It was Sinbad.

I finished up in the bathroom and went to leave, but a hand on the door kept me trapped inside. "Let me out, Sinbad."

"Hmmm. Nope," he said with his signature smile. 'Damn, he's hot' I thought with a mental sigh. He leaned his face closer to mine. I tried to flatten myself against the door to get as far away as possible but failed. With my body stiff, I closed my eyes in fear of what he was going to do.

Then I felt a pair of lips against my neck and snapped my eyes open. "S-Stop Sinbad! What do you think you're doing!?" I asked. He continued and started sucking on the sensitive skin. I held back a moan but I couldn't stop the shiver that raked my body. I could feel Sinbad smirk against my skin.

"I have a confession. I would like to tell you-" he started to say against my skin, but was abruptly cut off when I flipped our positions. His back was now against the door and a dark look shined in my (E/C) eyes. He gulped.

"You don't know who you're messing with," I growled, "I may be gay, but I ain't one of those chicks you can sleep with. Got it?" He nodded, surprise and a hint of fear in his eyes.

"But, (Y/N), I... I really do like you."

I stared at him for a moment then smirked. I leaned my face into the crook of Sinbad's neck, an audible gulp was heard. I start sucking and biting like he did to me and received a moan from him. It was a beautiful sound. I continued for a little longer while I moved my knee between his legs to pin him to the door more, receiving more moans, but stopped before I took it too far. When I pulled back, Sinbad's face was red, panting, and avoiding eye contact.

I glanced down at the mark I made. I leaned to his ear and breathed, "Don't do that again, if you know it's good for you."

I let go of him and he slumped to the floor, still red. I opened the door to see Sharrkan standing there. When he seen me, he glanced away with a blush. Must of heard Sinbad moaning. 'He must have been the guard so no one came in' I thought to myself. I headed to another bathroom to take care of my hard-on thanks to Sinbad.

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