Rogue (Fairy Tail)

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What guild would you join if you lived in the Fairy Tail world?
I personally like Blue Pegasus but would join Fairy Tail (their more fun lol)

"I hear you never get hurt on missions... So why is it that everytime we're on a mission together you get hurt?" Rogue asked in frustration as he bandaged my wounds.

"I don't know~ Maybe because I get distracted more easily?" I said as if in thought.

He huffed as Frosch waddled over to us. "Well start focusing more. It bothers me when you get hurt..." he said with a light tint to his cheeks.

"I would if I could, Rogue." I watched as he finally finished putting on the bandages and looked me in the eyes.

"Seriously, what keeps distracting you when we're on missions?"

I stared back into his eyes as if in thought, then finally said, "I don't know...."

"Really? You don't know what distracts you?"

I shook my head and noticed his eye twitched. "Aw, are you annoyed?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Of course I am. If we can't figure out what the cause is then I won't take you on missions with me."

"You can't stop taking me," I said with a pout.

"I can and I will. I told you I don't like to see my friends hurt, and you can't focus." I could see he was trying to rationalize this but I don't do rational.

"So what?" I said with a scowl, "I like going on missions with you and just because of a few scrapes and bruises, you're gonna stop taking me on missions?"

"Scrapes and bruises?" he asked, anger slightly evident in his voice. "(Y/N), your wounds are worse than scrapes and bruises. I had to stitch you up quite a few times."

"So what?"

His eye twitched again. "I am trying my hardest to keep you safe. Please, will you just-"

"No." I got up and walked towards the guild. I wanted this mission to end since it was no longer fun.

I knew what... WHO my distraction was but I never told him because I didn't want him to stop taking me on missions. Looks like he was stopping anyway.

I could sense Rogue following behind me as we made our way back to the guild. When we walked into the guild, Sting's smile turned into a frown when he noticed I was in a fowl mood.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?"

"Nothing," I growled out, causing him to take a step back.

"She's upset because I told her I wasn't taking her on missions anymore." I glared at the black haired guy that stepped up beside me.

"Why would you do that?" Sting asked in confusion, "She likes going on missions with you the most." I blushed slightly.

"She keeps getting distracted and getting hurt. That's why."

"She keeps getting distracted?" Sting repeated, turning his gaze to my pink cheeks. "It's easy enough to see what distracts her."

"What do you mean?" Rogue asked as I glared at Sting.

"You do." I glared harder at the blonde as my cheeks flared up.

"Go die," I said as I cast a side-glance at Rogue to see his cheeks were red too.

He just smiled and walked away waving.

"So..." Rogue started, "I am your distraction?"

I sighed and replied, "Yes..."

"Even more of a reason not to take you on missions." Before I could say anything, he kissed me.

It was a quick kiss. When he pulled away, his cheeks were redder than Scarlett's hair. "Y-You can only come if you promise to be more observant."

I felt like I was floating. "Okay, I will be more observant." He nodded and turned to walk away when I muttered under my breath, "Of your body~"

I knew he heard me because he turned around and looked like he was going to pass out in embarrassment. "(Y-Y/N)!"

I skipped past him, placing a kiss on his cheek as I did, and went towards Yukino and others to talk.

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