🍋Tsubaki (Servamp)

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A TsubakixReader Lemon

This was a request from PaulinaHikari. I will try to write the other one but it might take a while since I am not in a writing mood...

I do hope you enjoy the story since I didn't really know how to write this one haha. If you have suggestions to tweak this story, please let me know and I will edit this. It would be very helpful!

Anywho, what is/was your favorite subject in school (between 6-college)?

Six months ago...

That's around the time I found this cute fox just sitting outside my door.

Being the kind of person I am, I let it in my house and took care of it.

What I didn't know until the next morning was that the cute fox was some crazy lunatic of a vampire.

Laughter interrupted my thoughts as I was trying to focus on an essay for my college professor. I glared over at the dark haired glasses wearing maniac, aka Tsubaki. "Can you pipe down, I am trying to do homework..."

He laughed some more before suddenly stopping to say, "So boring..."

I clenched my teeth as I refocused myself. I felt someone lean over my shoulder and a hand landed on the other shoulder. "What is it?"

"Call my name, (Y/N)~" he said. I gave him a side glance, he wasn't bad looking so I had no complaints that he's been living here... but his constant laughing just to say something is boring was a bit annoying.

"What's your name again?" I asked, looking back at my homework.

He placed his lips on my neck, causing me to flinch. It hurt whenever he would bite me and after he stops drinking my blood, this weird tingling feeling was left at the bite spot. "Don't play games, (Y/N)..."

A moment of tense silence filled the room before he broke it with his usual fit of laughter.

I sighed in frustration as I stood up from my desk and walked to my bed. "Really, I don't know what to do with you."

He loomed over me, making me look up into his eyes. He turned into his fox form and jumped onto my lap.

"Love me forever and ever while giving me pets?"

I sighed as I laid back. "I can't love you forever and ever... I'm only human and have a life span."

The weight on my lap increased and he, yet again, loomed over me. "We can change that." His lips landed on mine and I responded by kissing back.

He eventually pulled away and placed a few kisses on my neck. "Tsubaki," I whispered, earning a hum.

He's said and done these things before so I just thought he was playing again. He would do these things until he got a reaction out of me then laugh.

But it felt different tonight.

His hands seemed to roam my body as if he were memorizing my figure and his kisses on my neck turned rougher as he began leaving hickeys.

"Do you really want me to live beside you forever and ever?"

His movements stopped, almost as if he didn't catch my question. He pushed himself up again to look into my eyes.

He gave me a genuine gentle smile.

"Who are you?" I asked skeptically, earning the usual chuckle from him. "No, seriously... Tsubaki never smiles that genuinely."

"My dear (Y/N), you are the reason I smiled that way~" he said. "And to answer the previous question: yes, I would love it if you lived beside me forever and ever."

"Okay," I said, "on one condition. You have to wait until I either graduate college or died before turning me."

He laughed his creepy laugh again, stopping to say, "How boring~ but as you wish~"

He gave me a heated kiss on the lips, only pulling back breifly to ask, "Can we still continue?"

I nodded, kissing him back as his hands went under my clothes.


He quickly removed my clothes and undid his yukata.

His lips left mine as he trailed some to my neck while a hand moved to my clit. He gently bit my neck as he started to rub my area, inserting a finger as he did.

"Tsubaki," I moaned as he added another finger.

He pumped his fingers in and out, stretching my while adding his third finger. He removed his fingers as I was about to loss it.

I whined at the loss and glared at him which earned me a chuckle. "Are you ready?" he asked as he positioned himself at my entrance. He shoved his member in before I had the chance to say anything, causing me to yelp in pain.

He continued to move slowly as if he wanted to be gentle but his eyes showed more of a mischievous look.

"F-faster," I moaned. He complied happily, going at an inhuman pace. All I was able to do was moan and pant as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

I felt a tension in the pit of my stomach as if I was going to burst. Seconds later, I feel myself release as I tightened around him.

He grunted as he continued to pound into me several more times before he finally released inside of me, biting my neck in the process.

He laid down beside me, pulling me closer to his body.

I started to drift off to sleep when I heard Tsubaki say, "Let's do this again later, (Y/N)."

I groaned as sleep took over, completely forgetting about my essay.

Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment and/or vote to let me know what you think! :)

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