Break (Pandora Hearts)

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Break is a pretty funny guy.
Who is your favorite Pandora Hearts character?

I was on my stomach on the floor while reading my favorite manga when I heard the door open.

"(Y/N)!" a familiar voice called as a body laid across my lower back.

"Ugh, get off of me, Break," I groaned as I tried to crawl out from under the white haired male.

I turned my head to see him smiling while sucking on a lollipop.

"You're so comfy, (Y/N)-chan~. I should lay on you more often," He said with a closed eye smile.

"Can't you go bother Sharon or Gil?" I asked in annoyance.

He finally got off of my back and allowed me to sit up.

"It's more fun when I'm with you (Y/N)-chan!"

I snatched the lollipop out of his mouth and threw it across the room. "I was reading..." I said with a sigh as my eyes closed.

I heard movement and opened my eyes to see Break looking at the manga I was reading.

My face instantly turned red as I reached for the book just to have it pulled out of my reach.

"I believe this is what some call hentai," he said, sounding amused while turning his eye in my direction.

My face got redder as I glared at him. He chuckled and stood up.

"Come along now~ I was sent to fetch you for dinner~" he said, walking into the closet and disappeared.

With a sigh, I put away the manga and walked out the door like a normal human being to make my way to the dining room.

When I got there, the only chair left was the one next to Break.

I made my way over and took a seat, trying to hide the light blush that was one my face.

We all finished eating when I heard Sharon ask, "Anyone want dessert?"

Oz and Alice shot their hands up while I stand up to go back to my room. A hand on my wrist stopped me and I turned to see Break.

"I wouldn't mind having dessert, (Y/N)~"

My face instantly exploded as I pulled my wrist away and went to my room. Wouldn't you know he was already there, sucking on a lollipop?

I walked over to my bed and laid down. "Get out, Break."

I closed my eyes and heard the closet doors shut. Then I felt a pair of lips on mine and my eyes opened wide.

"Didn't I say I wanted dessert?" he said with a smile. He leaned closer to my neck and continued, "You know I never pass up my sweets~"

Rest is up to you to imagine XP hahaha.

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