Lavi (D Gray Man)

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D Gray Man
Lavi x Reader

I was helping Allen with inspecting a truck when he gets a call.

"Hey Lavi... At work, why?... Alright, I'll tell (Y/N) to come get you..."

"Something wrong?" I asked Allen, as I picked up one of the new shocks we ordered for the vehicle.

"No, not really. Do you mind towing my friend's car here? His name is Lavi and he's at the corner of xxxx and xxxc."

"Sure thing," I said. I hopped into the flatbed and drove to the destination.

When I got there, I seen a redheaded guy with a green eye and an eye patch over his right eye. "Lavi, right?" I asked when I got out.

He stared at me with his eye wide for a moment before composing himself. "Yes."

I hooked up his vehicle and got it on the flatbed. Lavi hopped into the passenger seat as I drove back to the shop.

"How'd you meet Allen?" he asked me.

"A while back when he started working at the garage. My dad owns the business so I'm there everyday working on vehicles."

"Cool. I know Allen from (university)."

"I go there too. I don't participate in any of their activities though so I don't know many people."

Once we got to the shop, I unhooked the vehicle and left it in the lot as I walked back into the garage. Lavi was following.

"I'm back, Allen," I called out.

"Over here (Y/N)." I followed his voice to find him working under the hood of another vehicle.

"Need help?" I asked. Lavi is still standing behind me.

"Nah, I'm good." I pouted and turn around to face Lavi.

"I don't know when we'll get to your vehicle so you can sit down in the office."

"Your face has stuff on it," he said, "but you're still cute."

"Thanks, I think you're pretty hot yourself." I heard something loud fall and turned to face Allen who was picking up a starter that was on the floor.

I turned back to Lavi and noticed he was blushing. "You okay, Lavi? Your face-"

"I'm fine..." he said, looking away from me.

I shrugged, leading him to the office. "Oh! Hi dad, didn't know you were in here."

"I'm filling out paper work. Who's this?"

"This is Lavi, Allen's friend. His vehicle broke down and I went to get it."

Lavi held his hand out, "Nice to meet you sir." My father just looked at him, then hummed, going back to work.

"Can I ask you something, (Y/N)?" Lavi asked. I heard my dad stop writing.

"Sure." I could feel my dad's stare.

"Would you go on a date with me?"

"Sure. When would you like to go?"

"No." I turn to face my father. "I forbid you to date her!"

"Daaaaad, I'm not a kid anymore so what does it matter?" I turn to Lavi, "I'm not busy this weekend. How about you make plans for then?" I smiled at him as he had a light blush cross his features.

"S-Sure thing!" Then a chair fell over.

I only had a moment to process that my father shot out of his chair and was now chasing Lavi around the lot. All I could do was laugh as Allen came over.

"What's going on?"

"Dad's chasing Lavi because he asked me out."

Allen chuckles and calls out, "Good luck Lavi!"

"Help me Allen! (Y/N)!?" We just laughed at the helpless redhead as he is chased by an over protective father.

Who is your all time favorite red haired character?
Mine is Erza!

I have a LavixOC story called, well... Lavi x OC. If you're interested, please go check it out! Also, don't forget to vote!

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