Roland Fortis (Vanitas no Karte)

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A scream was heard in the distance. Roland, the sixth paladin of the Chasseurs, had durandal out and ready as he hurried towards the scream. Just as he got around the corner, he caught a glimpse of a curse-bearer lifting a woman off the ground. Before he could rush to her rescue, someone beat him to it.

A figure cut off the vampire's arm and caught the now unconscious victim. He ran up to aid the newcomer, noticing it was a woman from behind who was shorter than him. She turned slightly toward his direction, his green eyes meeting scarlet ones behind an intricate mask.

Roland tensed, even though he had made friends with Noé that didn't mean all vampires were different from the Church's teachings.

The female vampire's gaze flickered toward the attacking vampire, jumping out of the way as it slashed at her. "I'll be leaving this to you, Mr. Chasseur," she said, smirking as she took off with the victim.

"Hey!" Roland called, worried for the victim that the vampire might feast upon. He didn't have time to chase after them as the curse-bearer lunged at him. He kept his distance and attacked, finishing off the vampire with little effort.

Roland went in the direction the female vampire took, coming out to an area of few people. He asked if any of them noticed anyone carrying a woman and was pointed toward a hotel.

Walking into the hotel, he was greeted by the lobby person. "Hello, sir. How may I assist you?"

"Was there a woman carried in here by someone in a mask?"

"Ah, are you here for her?" the lobbyist asked, pointing toward someone sleeping on a couch. Roland turned to see someone sleeping on a couch. "The woman who brought her said a blonde guy was going to be looking for her. After that, she left."

Roland thanked them and walked over to the sleeping woman, making sure she was not hurt. Thankfully, she wasn't.

Some weeks had gone by, and Roland thought of the vampire on and off, wondering if he'd run into her again. She seemed like a strange one, maybe stranger than Noé.

He finally ran into her again as she was fighting another curse-bearer. She must've been having trouble with it as she was breathing heavily and had blood dripping from her forearm.

Roland rushed over, swinging durandal but missing as the curse-bearer dodged the attack. He glared at it while standing in front of the woman. "Are you alright?" he asked.

He thought she had run off again as it took her a moment to respond. "Yes, this one is stronger than most."

He turned his head enough to glance at her form. She had minor cuts all over, but the one that made him worry was the wound on her arm. Looked like the curse-bearer had bitten her. He turned his gaze back to the rampaging vampire.

The two worked together and handled the situation with some difficulty. After defeating the curse-bearer, Roland turned to the woman and smiled. "That was a tough one."

She looked at him warily, scarlet eyes watching him as she caught her breath. Though she wore a mask, she didn't seem well. Roland noticed that the smaller wounds seemed to have almost healed, but the bite on her arm did not look any better. He took a step forward, causing her to stiffen and step back.

Roland smiled gently, "I just want to check your arm. It looks pretty bad."

"It's fine." She wasn't fine. He could see that she looked about ready to pass out.

"Why hasn't your arm healed like the other wounds you had?"

Hesitating, she responded with a sigh, "A curse-bearer's bite can be venomous."

Roland's eyes widen. "You've been poisoned?" he exclaimed, taking a step forward while reaching out to her.

The vampire bared her fangs in an attempt to keep him away. Being a Chasseur, he wasn't fazed.

Carefully taking her arm, Roland asked, "Will it not heal?"

"It will, just slowly..."

Roland nodded, then suddenly thought of something. "What if you drank some blood?"

It took a moment for the question to register. When it did, she yanked her arm away and stumbled back a bit. "I feel you know that answer already."

"If it would help, I'll let you have some blood." The look he showed was genuine. He wanted to help, though he heard from Noé and Vanitas' conversations that drinking blood could be a pleasant experience as well.

"Why would you do that? Aren't you supposed to kill my kind?" she asked.

"I do not kill discriminately. I have made friends with another vampire, and I've learned that some things are wrong. This is just me doing my research," he said with a smile.

The smile caused her to blush but not let her guard down. After a few moments of staring, trying to figure out if it was a trap, she nodded her head slowly.

Roland beamed, stepping closer to reclose their gap. "Does it matter where you drink from?"

"No, we can drink from anywhere. The neck, arm, even the palm of your hand. It typically depends on the moment and the partner."

He nodded his head, thinking where could be easy access. He decided to remove his gauntlet as it would be the easiest place to hide it. Rolling up his sleeve, he held his arm out to her.

She took his arm, glancing at him with her glowing red eyes, before leaning in and sinking her teeth in.

He winced from the initial pain, but it wasn't as bad as other bites he's experienced. Maybe because he was willing for her to do it?

He stared at her, green eyes studying her features. She seemed to get some color back and looked healthier than before.

She removed her fangs, licking the seeping wound. Roland's eyes widened,  and curiousity had him wanting to remove her mask. "My name is Roland Fortis. What's your name?"

She met his eyes, "I don't have a name when I'm doing my job. It's what keeps us safe from your people."

Roland nodded as he rolled down his sleeve, adorning his gauntlet again. "I'd like to get to know you more. I won't tell anyone else about you."

"ROLAND!" a voice called angrily. A male with long, dark hair came around the corner. He noticed the woman with scarlet eyes and reached for his weapon.

"Wait a minute, Olivier! She isn't a threat."

Olivier stared at Roland, annoyance obvious in his eyes. "Don't tell me, a new friend of yours?"

"Yep!" the blonde said cheerily. Olivier put his head in his hands, commenting about having a headache.

"I have to go," the vampire said, gaining the blonde's attention.

He pouted, not wanting her to go yet. Though if Olivier is here, other Chasseurs might be close by. "Can we not meet outside of these chance encounters?"

She shook her head, leaving the two men as she disappeared into the dark.

"You better watch your back, you moron. You're getting into more danger here." Olivier sounded harsh, but it was said out of concern.

"You know how I am," he said while turning to smile at the Obsidian paladin, "I'm not too worried."

"I know, that's the problem."

If anyone was waiting for my return, don't get too excited. Just don't see a lot of Roland fanfics/oneshots. If you read any, I don't care if it's reader or OC, please suggest them.

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