Natsu (Fairy Tail)

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Fairy Tail

"Ah!" I yell in pain as a whip connects with the flesh on my back again.

"Don't kill her you dumbass. We need her alive to extract her rare magic."

My body is limp as they start to drag me to the chamber again. It hurts.... make it stop... I think, asking god, gods, whatever entity is out there to make it stop.

As I lay on the floor I close my eyes, waiting for them to inflict pain...

But it never happens.

What does happen is a loud noise, an explosion of some kind, and guys running around yelling orders at each other.

I crack open my eyes when someone busts down the door. Two men stand at the door, eyes wide at me for a moment before they knock out the guys in the room.

The first guy to come over to check on me has dark hair and eyes, a blue tattoo on his chest with a necklace. "Are you okay?" he asks. Did I forget to mention he is only in his boxers?

"Get away from her you pervy ice princess!" the other guy yells.

This guy has pink hair and beautiful onyx eyes, white pants and a black vest thingy (idk what it's called). He has the same tattoo as the other guy but on his shoulder and red.

They must be guild mates I think to myself, sad that my guild is no longer around.

"What did you say, flame brain?" the other guy says angrily. They start butting heads when a beautiful redheaded woman comes in and shoves them apart.

"What do we have here?" she says, bending down to help me sit up. I flinch when she touches me.

"Be careful Erza!" the pink haired guy yells.

"Natsu," she growls. He shuts up but still looks at her, annoyed. "What's your name?"

"(Y/N)..." I say. She tries to help me stand up, but my vision blurs and I fall to the ground, unconscious.


I wake up to find myself in a room that reminded me of the medical ward at my guild.

I slowly sit up, holding my head due to a headache. The door slams open to reveal that Natsu guy from earlier.

"You're awake," he sighs, sounding relieved. He makes his way to the side of the bed and I stare at him cautiously. "You've been out for a few days, how do you feel?"

"It hurts," I reply, my physical and emotional pain reflecting in my eyes.

"Hang on, I'll go get Wendy!" he says as he hurries out of the room. He quickly comes back with a blue haired girl.

She uses some kind of magic to make the pain go away. I nod in thanks as she smiles and leaves.

"My name is Natsu," he starts, "why were they hurting you back there?"

I glance away from him, away from the care and worry in his eyes. "I have a rare magic that they wanted. They... They killed my whole guild just to get me..." I say, tears forming in my eyes. I feel someone embrace me and I stiffen.

"It's okay. Now that you're here, you'll be safe," he smiles. "How about you join Fairy Tail? I would really like that."

I look into his eyes to see he that he is being honest. "I can't," I say, looking to the foot of the bed. "I will only cause you and the others trouble..."

"It's okay! Fairy Tail doesn't turn their backs on family and we can take care of ourselves."

I think about all the stories I heard about Fairy Tail and how the destroy entire cities when they go there to save them. "Okay... but the moment I feel like I've caused trouble, I'm leaving."

He just smiles and kisses my cheek. "Great! I'll go tell master and the others!" He leaves the room, leaving me and my blushing face behind to think about why he really wanted me to join.

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Who is your favorite Zodiac in Fairy Tail? What's your zodiac sign?
Mine is Gemini but I am a Libra

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