Ja'far (Sinbad no Bouken)

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You and Ja'far are like 13/14.

It was just another day, sailing along side Sinbad on an adventure.

At least, that's what everyone thought.

"You're telling me a bunny came on the ship and laid these eggs?" Ja'far said, skeptical.

Rurumu smiled and said, "That's correct."

"GUYS! GUYS!" a voice yelled and the door flung open. (Y/N) came out onto the deck, excited about something. "I found an egg sitting on my desk! Where did it come from!?"

"(Y/N), Ru-" Ja'far started. He was going to tell her the truth...

Until Rurumu interrupted him. "The Easter bunny must have paid you a visit," she said with a smile.

"Easter bunny?" (Y/N) said questionably.

"Yep, it probably left some laying around the ship. Why don't you and Ja'far go look for them and tell me how many you find?" Rurumu gently pushed a blushing Ja'far toward (Y/N). The little girl excitedly grabbed Ja'far's hand and took off in search of eggs.

"Look Ja'far! There's one over there!" (Y/N) knew that Rurumu was this supposed 'Easter Bunny' but she still wanted to partake in the Easter egg hunt.

"(Y/N), there's no Easter bunny." (Y/N) stopped in her tracks and faced Ja'far. "We are in the middle of nowhere so how could it even get on the boat?"

She let go of his hand with a pout. "Shush Ja'far, just help me find them."

After awhile of looking for eggs, they went back to Rurumu. "How many did you find?" she asked with a smile.

"49 eggs and they are all so pretty!" (Y/N) replied, smiling at their accomplishment.

"Oh really?" Rurumu said, her hand on her chin, "Usually the Easter bunny leaves 50 eggs..." (Y/N)'s eyes widened.

"We'll find it!" she said, taking off. Ja'far huffed and followed the (h/c) headed girl.

After searching for what seemed like forever, Ja'far said, "Let's give up. We aren't going to find it."

(Y/N) turned to face him with tears in her eyes. "Please? Just a little longer?" He sighed and nodded his head. Being an ex-assassin, he could handle anything. At least anything that wasn't (Y/N)'s sad face.

"I know a place we didn't look!" she said, eyes lighting up as she grabbed Ja'far's hand.

She led them to his room and went in. He stood there watching her as she looked everywhere.

She was about to look under his bed but he stopped her. "Wait! I'll look under there." She looked at him funny but let him do it instead.

He didn't want her questioning him about the weapons and maybe, possibly, the pictures he had of her.

When he looked under there, low and behold, the egg was there. Ja'far pulled it out to show the girl only to be tackled by said girl.

"We did it! Rurumu will be so happy!" She left in a hurry to Rurumu as she dragged the poor boy (again).

Rurumu patted them on the head and (Y/N) was beaming with joy. When Rurumu walked away, Ja'far asked (Y/N), "Why were you so determined to keep looking for that final egg?"

(Y/N) blushed and looked away. "Um... it gave me a reason to hang out with you..." she said.

Ja'far just blushed, then said, "We could hang out without tasks from Rurumu. Why don't we do something after her teaching?"

(Y/N)'s smile was from ear to ear. "Yes!"

After hanging out several times, and comments of being a cute couple by Rurumu and Sinbad, they became a young couple. Whenever they would land in another kingdom, the two were inseparable.

Years after Sinbad created his own country, the night of one of their parties, which this happened to take place on Easter, Ja'far had a huge surprise.

"(Y/N), I have something important to tell you..." Everyone became quiet.

"Yea?" the (h/c) head asked.

Ja'far knelt down in front of her and pulled out a ring. "Will you marry me?"

It was quiet for several minutes as (Y/N) stared at Ja'far. He started to feel like this was a mistake. "Are you serious?" He nodded, feeling more awkward.

"You should know that my answer is..." She paused, causing more tension.

She suddenly lunged at him, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug. "Yes! A million times yes!"

She kissed his cheek and ran off, telling everyone she seen that Ja'far was her fiance and that they were going to have beautiful children.

Happy Easter on this lovely April 16th of the year 2017!

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