03 Dead again???!

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Qian Tao who was peacefully asleep was suddenly jolted awake by the cold water being splashed on top of him. When he opened his eyes he saw an angry Qian Ming. He then lazily sat up. Qian Ming angrily stated " How dare you!!!!! You slut how dare you kill MY people?!!"

Qian Tao just stared blankly at her. "........"

" Silent? Oh you got nothing to say huh?!! Or is it just disrespect??!" As Qian Ming spoke she got even angrier.


"*Exhales breath* Concubine Qian I as the official wife of lord Shin Chen hereby charge you for murdering one of my lord's workers and for that I declare that you shall be beaten to death!!!"

"........." Qian Tao then stood up and raised his hands in surrender. He understood this situation well if he tries to defend himself things will only get worse from here so it was best to just take them as they come he inwardly sighed and apologized to the original owner for he was unable to avenge him. Later that day he was then taken to originals room it was a humble looking room but to Qian Tao it was beautiful as heaven in all his life he had never seen such a room.

The servant that brought him there he bowed his head. Qian Tao noticed that he wasn't leaving and looked at him in confusion just as he was about to talk he realized that his throat was quite dry so he took the cup of water on the table and drunk it all although in his eyes all his movements were normal and rather awkward but to the manservant those movements were elegant and gentle it made him dazed for a while.

Qian Tao then cleared his throat " anything else??" His voice was gentle like the morning breeze so smooth that it can sooth ones soul it sounded no lauder than a shout yet it was audible , calm yet serious. The maidservant was taken aback but immediately snapped back " Concubine Qian you-"

"Qian Tao".

The servant was perplexed "excuse-"

" *Sigh* Concubine Qian is dead call me Qian Tao and I'm no one's concubine!" He stated blankly.
He already had no intention to hide this and if asked he would state it honestly and besides he didn't want to be address as a concubine it also could also be taken as him cutting off any relationship with Shin Chen!!

It was quiet for a while then the servant replied " I see...... Then young master Qian did you kill the maid they said you did?"

Qian Tao "No."

"Then why did you not ask for justice?" Asked the servant.

Qian Tao was actually getting annoyed because of the questions but still chose to answer. "Too much trouble now go this young master wants to sleep." The servant bowed and left.

Qian Tao finally was alone. He laid alone on the bed and placed a hand over his face and softly laughed mockingly at himself " good job Qian not only did you die once you will die once more!! *Sigh* I'm sorry mom" thus he fell asleep muttering "I'm sorry" and "I broke my promise" 

Unknown to him that little 'servant' flipped over the wall and went to the palace. The figure then stood infront of the door of a study room waiting to be called in.

"You may enter." A cold voice rang in the night the kneeling figure went into the room as per command. Inside the room a young man sat upright holding a book while writing at the same time to call him handsome was disrespect he looked like a god who had just descended and come to the mortal realm for a visit."speak". He spoke in a calm and unhurried tone.

"Con- young master Qian Tao did not kill the maid and instead of seeking justice he said it was unnecessary." Stated the servant

"Young master?."

"Yes your majesty Mr Qian Tao told me that concubine Qian Tao had and to call him young master it seems he has no more feelings for Shin Chen. But this does not explains his sudden changes, his temperment and his inability to feel pain."

" We see. Send our imperial verdict tomorrow to excuse young master Qian Tao from what he 'did'."

"Yes your majesty!" The man bowed and left.

Qian Tao was woken up early in the morning and told to bath so he can hurry up and have his last meal 'come to think of it I haven't eaten for the last 3days!' after bathing Qian Tao went back to the room and ate the rice bowl with noodles placed for him although simple he felt that his life was fulfilled and he would die with no regret having eaten nothing but molted bread for the past 10 years rice and noodles was a luxury to someone like him.

Qian quickly finished his food and when he heard knocking at the door he resolutely went out the door and walked on his own relying on the originals memories.

All the servants were stunned when they saw Qian Tao since he had always worn bad make up but seeing him now they could not recognize him!!!! He had a tall frame structure his hair was loosely hung over his shoulders he was wearing a bright red robe  with white inner garments poking out.

He emitted an air of immortality, gentleness and kindness and as he walked he used long and certain stives even though he knew he was going to die he walked with steps full of firmness and we're not hesitant.

When they arrived at the sight there was a wooden table with four maidservants standing on either side holding planks.

Qian Tao headed for the table and lightly sat on it before sweeping a gaze at the people among the crowd some faces were full off smugness, happy ness, joy etc.

He then lied down onto the wooden bed then the servants started beating him up even after a hundred flogging he never let out a single scream and eventually his vision became dark finally as it did he seemed to have heard the sound an old voice announcing that the emperor had sent him to deliver an emperial verdict stating that Qian Tao was to be pardoned but it was too late.

Qian Tao appreciated the gesture with his last breath he squeezed out ".....the emperor.....?" and just like that he was dead.

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