15 a break

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' why did I say I wanted to cultivate!!'
" Qian Tao your spacing out again that has added  two more hours to your sword practice." A cool melodious voice sounded In the empty training field.

Qian Tao couldn't take it anymore!!! It's been a week since the emperor said he will teach him cultivation, since then he would be awoken at three am every day and would do the horse stance until sun rise, when the emperor goes to morning court that's his break but when he comes back Qian Tao will have to practice the sword for max three hours and when he is finally done he would meditate in order to build his core although his Learning speed is inhumane it was still tiring.

To be honest Qian Tao was not that  exhausted he just felt like quitting and so he did he fell down and dropped his sword that made a loud clanging sound when it hit the ground destroying the calm and quiet dawn. " Qian Tao what's the matter now?" Qian Tao swallowed all his pride and put on puppy dog eyes saying weakly " My dear emperor I can't do it anymore I'm really exhausted!!!" It was like the emperor was hit with an arrow in his heart although he knew the latter was lying to him he just couldn't help himself from being swayed with the way the latter looked like with dripping wet hair from sweating too much flushed cheeks from overheating and those teary black puppy eyes it was really too adorable.

Qian Tao then took the opportunity when he saw the emperor waiver and said " My dear majesty how about I leave the martial arts to you as you will protect me and you leave the healing to me ??? I will heal your wounds? Just like a husband and wife you take care of the heavy duty and I will support you!" The emperor finally sighed and said " If you do good today and finish your training tomorrow we have a day off since it's the lantern festival. We will bring you out of the palace to play how does that sound."

In a blink of an eye Qian Tao was already on his feet practicing diligently and seriously. The quitting attitude from before totally disappeared. The emperor shook his head and went back to reading his book. The next day the emperor was awakened by a sweet and gentle voice and when he opened his eyes he saw an energized Qian Tao who was already dressed in a plain white robe his hair was tied up in a ponytail using  a blue and white hair tie.

When the emperor saw him he thought he had seen an angel for a moment but then he snapped out of it and smiled while teasing Qian Tao " ah~ my dear concubine when it's time to wake up and train We can't get you out of bed but when we are going out to have fun it is you who wakes Us up?" Qian Tao chuckled nervously " Nothing of sorts your majesty.

You may get ready now the servants have prepared your bath water." The emperor nodded and got out of bed " We see. Then We shall go and bath." By the time the emperor finished bathing and getting dressed Qian Tao had already ordered breakfast and was patiently waiting for the emperor to finish when the emperor saw this sight he was touched beyond words and walked towards the table. When Qian Tao saw the emperor he was flabbergasted, stunned beyond words.

The emperor had dressed in a black robe with his red under robe peaking out his ink black hair was left to hang casually over his shoulders, he had tied a red hair ribbon with black patterns on his forehead. His purple black eyes looked livelier than usual and the cold aura around him had gone replaced by the light aura of youth he truly looked like a twenty year old youth. Qian Tao was so stunned he didn't realize that he was staring intently. When the emperor saw his beloved yes beloved through the past weeks the emperor discovered that what started out as merely liking Qian Tao grew into love, he found himself being so absorbed and being obsessed with Qian Tao from his speech to his unpredictable personality that would make one swear that he had split personalities honestly the emperor got a headache thinking about his personality Qian Tao could say ' oh~ my dear majesty' then go ' crazy bastard' the next but the emperor had to admit this just kept things interesting and that made him more unique and loveble.

When the emperor saw Qian Tao checking him out he felt a sudden boost to his pride and asked with a slight smirk on his face " Like what you see?" Qian Tao blushed from being caught and started fumbling around yelling "let's eat" and " hungry". Once again the emperor was amused by Qian Tao's reaction.

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