07 the first encounter part 2 the truth is told.

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The emperor did not expect this answer at all when he first asked the question he expected an answer like ' people change ' or ' I am a spy' or ' I got a secret master ' but this reply was truly too shocking!! Seeing his stupefied expression Qian Tao couldn't help but be worried " eh.....dude are you ok? When you asked me didn't you already know? Isn't such a thing normal here wait you do have martial arts right?"

The emperor schooled his face and said " We see ....... Then what is your name? Where do you come from and what is your purpose here?" Qian Tao shook his head " my name is still the same...... I come from a world I never really knew so I can't say much on it and my purpose here is to try to survive and not die as early as I did last time...."

Suddenly a plate filled with pastries was pushed towards him he looked up and his eyes met with the emperor's it might have been his imagination but he thought he could see a less cold  aura surround the emperor when he spoke " Then it is an honor to meet you Qian Tao."  Although the emperor had wanted to ask about what he felt from Qian Tao it was obvious that the latter was clueless and could not be much help. Tao nodded and took the plate then dug into the plate without any second thought! The emperor did not know why but right now at this moment he found Qian Tao adorable and couldn't look away.

After a while Qian Tao was done with his meal he found that the emperor had been staring at him the entire time. He couldn't help but feel awkward and coughed saying " your highness it's pretty late now I think it's time you go back to your chambers and rest." In response the emperor placed his head on his left palm that was on the table and just looked at him. Feeling even more awkward  Qian Tao commented

" ....I-if your highness wanted to talk to me your grace should have spoken up while I was still eating was that time not convenient? now it's already late I think your majesty should go back and rest." The emperor then straightened up and spoke in a neither cold or hot voice " Concubine Qian you are new here and do not know any better thus We shall inform you that We prefer that Our servants not ask and question Our actions We find it rather disrespectful." 

" My apologies then your majesty." Answered Qian Tao offhandedly 'ah so the emperor has this kind of stupid pet peeve? But still a guy who has little power than him so much so that even his servants would slack off while delivering his verdict ( he is referring to the last life when the verdict came late.) Sigh makes one wonder what could he even do if one with more power provoked him. A little puppy of all bark and no bite !! How tragic!!' " Tell Us more about yourself We are listening." Although Qian Tao was slightly taken aback he still obediently answered " I am nothing out of the ordinary really. As I have said before I only desire to live and enjoy my life without worries, and to eat all the pastries I can before I die." It was quiet for a while.

" You say you want to live and want a life without worries yet you enter the palace and become Our concubine? We are afraid that in this life time you shall never get what you seek, After all you have entered a living hell." Qian Tao fell silent and stopped speaking. Then he mumbled " what the hell is this idiot saying the life of a house wife is easy food is provided so is the housing!! I don't even have to give birth well it's not like I can I mean I think I can't since this body is the same from my original world. Heh bastard I'll just live my life mooching off you hehehehehe."

The emperor who heard what Qian Tao said thanks to his enhanced hearing was shaken to the core...... this guy actually intended on turning him into his personal bank??! The emperor put on a poker face and pretended not to know what the latter had said then called in a servant who cleaned up the table and placed a stack of books on the table then went out of the room again.

" This world does have martial arts of sorts and those with power are the strongest. You can go ahead and sleep first." Although hesitant to sleep while the emperor was present in his room Qian Tao still did as told ' I'll just keep my guard up!!' although that was the original plan Qian Tao still fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing that Qian Tao had already gone to sleep the emperor rubbed his temple and went back to reading it wasn't until dawn that he left. When Qian Tao woke up he was met with a row of servants standing on either side of his bed. When the servants saw him sit up they all knelt the one in the front said " concubine Qian what are your orders?" Ah? It seems he received more servants 'are they from the emperor?' wondered Qian. He got up and said "I want to eat some cakes of all sorts and take a bath."

The servants all saluted and went out only the maid who had spoken up earlier was left puzzled Qian Tao asked " are you not leaving?" The maid shook her head and replied " This servant will be masters close servant and right hand this is what his majesty the emperor had ordered." If it was the emperor's arrangement then it should be fine so Qian nodded in understanding. When the maids arrived with water he went to bath and when he came out the food was already on the table ' these servants are really too helpful!!'.

The days spent After were more or less the same the emperor kept coming over to have dinner with him, chat and after that the emperor would read a book and leave at dawn. Qian Tao had not gone out since he came to his court yard mainly because he was still trying to rest and relax his mind by being part of his rooms furniture. If one were to describe his routine it would be eat.sleep. laze around. Repeat!! .

A week had passed like that and today just like other days Qian Tao bathed and when he was finished went to eat breakfast the personal maid given to him by the emperor Wu Mu came in to the room and reported " master concubine Tang summons you to his snowflake court yard for a tea party with the other ladies so you can all get to know each other."

" I see. Can I decline?"
" I am afraid if master does not go they will see it as an insult and you will later be a target." Qian Tao nodded and stood up " Help me get ready." An hour passed before Qian Tao was finally ready the reason being that they could not find anything appropriate to wear and in the end they settled for a white robe.

Even though it was a simple plain white robe Qian Tao looked like an untainted white lotus flower if one was to just cast a passing glance it him one would mistake him for a god. He truly was an out of this world beauty. When they arrived at the snowflake court yard Qian Tao had gained some background information from Wu Mu first the emperor had 6 female concubines and 3 ger male concubines with him and his sister included in the number, he had no consort and only concubines.

He had also never spent a night with anyone of them and judging from his character he never will. Right now in the palace there were two major powerhouses one was concubine Tang the youngest son of the  minister of finances and his sister Qian Bai the second child of the prime minister the reason why Qian Tao was not seen as a threat was because it was known that the apple of the prime ministers eye was his precious daughter Qian Tao.

If the emperor did not come to his court yard and spend the night there leaving at dawn he would not even be invited here. 'sigh all this because the emperor came to my court yard for a whole week to read a book and spend a night in my room.ಥ‿ಥ'

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