24 A smell

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Xingfu spoke with a flawless smile on his face making Qian Tao mentally complain 'honestly this guy is unnecessary good-looking!!'  " Master Axel if you may please." Emperor Axel nodded " As your majesties know the demons have taken over the Eastern region of great Ma and are still advancing as we speak!!" "Thus we have decided to lay low and surprise them when they least expect it!!"

Yueliang nodded " We see we will attack them when they least expect it thus gaining advantage so when will we attack?" Emperor Axel spoke in a grave voice " Tomorrow at dawn" " of cause since you have just arrived his majesty can choose not to participate and rest along with concubine Tao"  yueliang shook his head " We came here to fight not a vacation. We will be going as well."

The meeting continued but Qian Tao blanked out halfway through ' why is this so freaking boring!!?' The meeting continued on about how they would rip the demon clan apart and so forth when the meeting finally ended Qian Tao and Yueliang went to their assigned room ate dinner and got ready for bed. "Your going to leave me behind tomorrow?"

Qian Tao asked casually as laid his head on the hard pillow he had already gotten used to. " Yes did you want to come?" Qian Tao shook his head " it's fine just don't get hurt." " Oh! And be careful around Hsin especially when his bodyguards are around!!" Taken aback yueliang asked why to which Qian Tao confidently replied " They stink and nobody who stinks is reliable!!!"

Not getting what Qian Tao meant Yueliang smiled and agreed to be careful. Early the next morning Qian Tao woke up along with yueliang although they woke up together they each had different things to do. Yueliang needed to go and prepare for their ambush while Qian Tao would go train. "Yueliang please be careful and beware of those I told you to guard against." Qian Tao spoke offhandedly while taking out the sword he used in training. " Yes Tao dear I won't even get a scar on me!!"

Qian Tao nodded and went out first leaving yueliang on his own. ' Where was the training ground again ah shit if only Wu Mu was here!! Where is she anyway?' Qian Tao walked along the hall until he reached an open ground " finally!!" Qian Tao got ready and began swinging his sword non stop until clap clap clap clap a man wearing white stepped into the training ground at a relaxed pace. " It seems our dear Tao is quite the martial artist!!" Xingfu said playfully.

"What do you want your majesty?" Qian Tao had felt it since yesterday but for some reason when he saw this man he just couldn't help but be rude.  Xingfu put on a hurt expression and said woefully " Don't call me your majesty it makes us seem so distant after all your our dear Hao's wife!" Qian Tao rolled his eyes and decided to continue swinging his sword.

Seeing his reaction Xingfu smiled " come to think of it why are you just swinging your sword?"  Qian Tao answered without much though " Emperor Yueliang told me to swing it around after I had learned the horse stance." Xingfu cocked his head to the right rather cutely and asked while being bemused "Why are you learning that? Isn't it more productive to focus on your inner Qi?''

Qian Tao stopped swinging at that moment and looked at Xingfu " Qi? What's that?" Xingfu looked to be in though for a while before nodding in understanding " I see he is still the same........ What's your nature Tao?" Qian Tao got confused at the question seeing this xingfu looked at him pitifully. " Look well and learn." Xingfu snapped his thump and index finger. A light yellowish orange fire burned.

Qian Tao was amazed at this sight. " Amazing right? These are the elements" Xingfu snapped his fingers a few more times and a ball of water followed by a round stone then a small tree was formed on his index finger. " These are the five elements fire,water, earth, wood and wind."

Qian Tao nodded although he was uninterested before now he was fully paying attention to Xingfu's words.  " These are the fundamental elements this is where all secondary elements like come from. For you to be able to at least know how to defend yourself." Xingfu said as he ruffled Qian Tao's hair making the latter hit his arm. His hits were met with a fake ' ouch it hurts ' reaction.

Qian Tao rolled his eyes and asked " why teaching me all this anyway?" Xingfu shrugged his shoulders " I just have some spare time." Qian Tao looked at him in suspicion. Xingfu just laughed " I am speaking the honest truth look to show that I mean what I say how about I teach you how to use your element?" Qian Tao asked rather rudely" do you even know my element?" Xingfu smiled " I don't need to know for you to learn how to use it.

Now quick time is running out!." Qian Tao ended up nodding after all what harm could this do? " Ok first I need you to relax your mind and focus on your core much like when you are meditating. Really focus no your core if not you might end up shooting out formless Qi and not your elemental power which is stored at your core. Breath in through your mouth take long and deep breaths. Focus feel the energy coursing through your meridians now lead that energy to a single point I'd highly advice your hand. Feel the power control it and when you have gathered just enough power at that point release it!! It is better to imagine water bursting through a rock that was in it's path when releasing your Qi." Doing as Xingfu told him Qian Tao circulated the foreign power in his body and focused it on his right hand and when he was ready he let it out. When he did bright blood red flames burst out nearly burning xingfu who was standing five feet back from Qian Tao although he wouldn't actually burn.

Xingfu clapped his hands happily "Tao your full of surprises!! Normally it would take one two months to master Qi circulation along with elemental release! Are you perhaps a genius in disguise?!!" Feeling flustered at the sudden compliments Qian Tao blushed and quickly refuted by saying it's nothing making xingfu click his tongue in disappointment " Tsk! Tao I am complimenting you! Don't you know a man must hold his head high and say ' yeah I am a bit of a genius!! I got it from my mother's side y'know!' it's all man's pride!!"

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