19 Troubles 1

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When the two got back Qian Tao refused to climb the wall but would the emperor listen to the koala that clung to him almost all day? So Qian Tao was princess carried over the wall and back to his court yard. They came through the window Qian Tao breathed a sigh of relief then asked to be let down, the emperor naturally complied with his request. " Finally I'm so tired !!!" Qian Tao stretched his sore muscles and went to jump into bed the emperor saw this and grabbed him by the collar all the way to the bathroom " bath first your not going to sleep smelling so rotten." Qian Tao felt like crying with no tears " I'm tired just this once please~ let's let the maids rest ok? It'll be hard work to ask them for water this late!!" Just as he said that the emperor opened the door and he saw the bath tub filled with hot water.

"......" He then remembered that before they went out the emperor had asked the servants to be on standby with hot bath water enough for two baths at around ten pm. Qian Tao really did not have the energy to bath " Please!"

The emperor "No."

Qian Tao " your majesty?"

The emperor " Qian Tao go bath"

Qian Tao " I beg you please!"

The emperor "......no"

Seeing that this "no" was a little less confident than the last one Qian Tao saw an opportunity "  please let me sleep ok I'll bath first thing tomorrow~~" The emperor's eyes became clouded and after what seemed like an eternity he sighed and gently looked at Qian Tao but he words were not gentle at all " Qian Tao if you don't go bath now We will personally strip you, put you in that bath tub and wash you. So you choose!" Qian Tao immediately went into the room and took a bath. Forty five minutes passed and he came out when he did he was slightly taken aback by the emperor's absence from the room but still he went straight into bed as soon as his head hit the pillow he fell asleep. The emperor came back an hour later. He had gone to bath in the next room but who knew that when he came back he would be met with a snoring Qian Tao. He shook his head and put out the candles in the room and went to bed he then hugged Qian Tao of cause when Qian Tao felt himself being hugged he instinctively changed their positions thus placing the emperor on his chest.

When this happened the emperor was dumb stricken for a while before he chuckled. A rather obsessive smile appeared on his face making him look a little creepy. He fixed his expression and went to sleep.

The next morning when Qian Tao awoke he felt something rather heavy on his arm. He then slowly opened his eyes to identify the heavy object once he did he was met with the emperor's sleeping form. The emperor had placed his head on Qian Tao's arm while he had his arm around him. This position made Qian Tao feel in power honestly. ' Is this how tops usually feel like?! I like this! '

" Your awake?" The emperor asked in a sleepy husky morning voice. After hearing the emperor speak Qian Tao felt envious ' Damn!! His voice was already deep but this is ridiculous how am I one born with a soft voice supposed to feel huh?!!!!' Qian Tao held back his complains and spoke " why are you still here? Don't you have morning court?" The emperor sat up and looked down on me If Qian Tao were to be honest the way the emperor looked at him mad him feel like a small bug infront of a giant thus he also sat up. " Not really. The empire won't fall just because the emperor missed morning Court." Qian Tao shook his head and spoke in a dull voice " your just lazy your majesty. Just go attend court what if something big happened? You already had a day off  now you want a half day?"
" Fine then We will see you at breakfast."

The emperor got off the bed and went to bath while Qian Tao went back to sleep.
" Did something happen again? Why is he late?" Qian Tao grumbled as he tapped his index finger on the table filled with mouth watering food. " Please be patient master the emperor will be here soon." Qian Tao had been waiting for the emperor for the past hour by now they would have already ate breakfast and Qian Tao would have been practicing swords art at this time. ' what's keeping him tied up? Wait could it be the other concubines? Right! It could be them! I can't believe I even forgot that he has many wives! My sister included.'

Just as he was busy indulging in his thoughts the emperor arrived along with Lui Yu. " Ah? Tao your here? Didn't We send a message to you to go ahead and eat?" Qian Tao looked away from the emperor and grumbled " so? Am I expected to do what you want? I am a free person and I chose to eat when you got here!" The emperor smiled at Qian Tao and looked back at the Lui Yu who was yet to enter " General Lui Yu can you come back later?" Lui Yu nodded " Only an hour your majesty no later. This is after all a great disaster." The emperor waved his hand and the maids left and closed the door including Wu Mu. " Then shall we eat?" The emperor asked as he sat down. Qian Tao nodded and instantly dug in.

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