11 a mother's words are never wrong.

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Flash back to last night in Qian Tao's dream

"Taotao your finally here!!" A skinny woman rushed over and engulfed him in a warm bear hug. This was Qian Tao's mother years of poverty and starving made her look skinny and pale but even in her state she looked beautiful.

She had big blue eyes, grey hair and pink lips that stood out from her pale face. "M-mother? mother? Mother is that you?" Qian Tao was on the verge of tears and hugged the woman in his hands tightly as if fearing that should he let go she would disappear. She hummed "mhn my dear Taotao has grown a lot and has become prettier too!!"

Qian Tao finally broke and cried his eyes out " m.....mother!!! Y-you didn't come......see me anymore.....mother I missed you!!mother don't ......leave me......alone again!!" "Shhhh. It's ok dear. Mother is here." She let Qian Tao sob for a while and when he had calm down she began teasing him " ah-Tao you have grown up but you still cry like a new born? Hurry up and wipe those tears away and look at me there are important things I must tell you." Qian Tao obediently did as he was told. She then spoke " child as you know I'm a truthful person so I shall not lie. The reason you are here in this world even though you died is because your father and I made a deal with one of the gods I won't tell you the details of. I came to tell you about your future." She paused

" After so many years I have finally seen my babies love prediction!!!" Qian Tao rolled his eyes " Mom please keep it to yourself." " Taotao don't be that way!! Let me tell you mother has seen that this man will change your life for the better!!" Qian Tao " Mom do you think I need a man to change my life? Besides shouldn't it be a girl I'm not gay you know" She pouted and ignored Qian Tao's words " No I don't but you can't be single for the rest of your life!!!" " Besides I want you to be happy is that so wrong though?"

Qian Tao sighed thinking about how he had nothing to lose" Tell it clearly the prediction that is." She happily hummed " ok! This man is strong but not as strong as your dad he-" Qian Tao urgently cut off his mother " Dad? I have a dad and you are still communicating  with him?! Tf?!!" His mother ah-ed and a slight blush appeared on he cheeks " You see your father and I are together and we would never break up." Qian Tao had an odd expression on his face and calmly asked " your together? I always thought he had died or he abandoned us since he left us in poverty and never came back."  His mother's expression went blank " y-you know your father would be hurt if he heard that..."
Qian Tao shook his head and asked " then tell me the details."

His mother mumbled " there's that attitude that changes in a matter of seconds one would doubt that he was crying like a baby awhile ago." she then nodded " Well you see your father is........ *Sigh* he's alive but is not human he is a being that could not be present in our lives no matter what infact I told him to stay away." Qian Tao quietly listened and was oddly calm than most people in such a situation. " Am I a demons child?" His mother nervously nodded her head " Is it obvious?" Qian Tao sighed " you just said he's not human and I doubt you would bed any one with animal traits considering your fear for animals so a demon is next in line."  His mother laughed a little "like father like Son!! your no fun at all!! *Sigh* I have not much time left here.... Let's meet again later.".

Qian Tao's pupils shook and almost screamed in excitement " your gonna visit my dream again??". His mother shook her head " no your father and I are coming to that world to see you...... You see my hubby is working out a way to bring me back to life isn't that great?!!" Qian Tao watched his mother who acted like a teenage girl in love. The corners of his lips started to rise ' yep just like how I remember her.' She tackled Qian Tao and gave him a strong bear hug then she kissed his forehead

" mommy's gotta go now but I'll see you soon ok? Oh and the man by your side now keep him close I like him." Before Qian Tao could answer her she was gone.

" She came to tell me to open up my heart." Qian Tao answered half honestly. The emperor " We see and who should it be opened up to?" Qian Tao spoke without thinking " to you" The emperor looked at him and smiled " so you wish to give Us a chance?" Qian Tao blushed

" W-what ?!! T....that's not...." The emperor chuckled and when Qian Tao heard his low deep chuckled he couldn't help but pause and stare at him stunned by his laughter. The emperor noticed Qian Tao's eyes on him " Qian Tao We have already said We liked you to some degree so why are you so unwilling? Even Your mother has told you to give Us a chance and a mother's words are never wrong."

Qian Tao kept quiet for some time "well I did promise my mom........fine then your majesty this one will give it a try........but if it should not work out I hope you will let me go out of your harem." The emperor looked at him and after a while he nodded " Fine if that's what you want We don't object. By the way your sister has fully recovered and the prime minister wanted to see you." " I see when does he want to meet." Qian Tao asked.

The emperor" He is on his way right now." As his words fell an eunuchs voice rang out " your majesty the prime minister requests an audience".

" Let him in." The prime minister went in and lightly bowed his head the emperor just hummed in response. ' he won't even fully bow to the emperor!! Is the prime minister so powerful?!'. After the arrival of the prime minister the air around the emperor immediately turned cold. " We are listening."

The prime minister looked up at Qian Tao and spoke after having realized that the emperor had no intentions of letting him speak privately with Qian Tao " My dear son. Thank you for saving your sister how is it that I have never known you had medical knowledge?"

Qian Tao " nothing much I just know a few stuff." "I see but there is one thing I don't get when Bai woke up she told me that she had felt something that tasted like iron enter her mouth......did you perhaps make her drink blood? Is blood the cure for the no cure poison? Can all blood work or was it the specific blood you used?" Qian Tao was frightened but quickly regained his composure and lied through his teeth. " No, it was not blood I suspect that in her daze concubine Qian Bai miss took water for blood especially since she had spat out a mouthful of blood before."

Seeming to realize this the prime minister nodded and looked towards the emperor " Thank you your majesty for letting this one meet with his son. I shall take my leave now. Qian Tao come see me and your sister in the evening. Also if your majesty has time please come see this one's daughter she has been crying of longing for you."

The prime minister bowed after having said his piece and went out. The room instantly fell silent " Tsk the nerve your majesty I swear that I'll get enough power to build you an army so that dogs like him won't look down on you again!!! Argh! Now I have to go act like I like my sister or something!"

The emperor was slightly touched and shook his head. " It's ok. It's late now let's go have lunch."

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