05 entering the palace

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The days spent in his room doing nothing went by in a flash and just like that it was time for Qian and his sister to enter the palace. On that day the prime Minister's mansion was covered in red it looked liked there was a festival going on!! Two carriages came out of the ministers mansion this was obviously the ministers daughter and son who were going to enter the palace today.

One could already see the two siblings fighting for the emperor's affection! The two carriages went about their way on the front carriage sat a beautiful woman dressed in red with a heavy layer of makeup on her face making her look like those woman you would find in a brothel it was naturally Qian Bai. She had an unwavering smile on her face one could tell that she was extremely happy.

On the other hand Qian Tao had worn red clothes with no makeup on one could see that he had made very little effort to make himself look good unlike his sister and on top of that instead of sitting up straight and looking like a blushing bride he had his back slumped and was stuffing his face with the meat and  rice bowl he had stolen from the kitchen before coming out.

Although the guards outside could not see inside they still heard the sound of someone eating and could hear occasional belching it was not only unheard of it was also extremely rude! What kind of bride would be stuffing their face on their way to their husbands house and not caring about their environment?!

It now seemed clear that the rumor that Qian Tao was a mental case was not at all a lie!! After arriving at the palace the two new concubines were taken to their court yards since Qian Tao and Qian Bai were siblings their court yards were next to each other namely the twin snow jade court yards. Along the way Qian Bai had an excited look on his face one could see the desire written all over her face as if she was thinking ' the emperor is sure to fall for her at first sight ' which was not off the mark those were her actual thoughts.

Qian Tao only shook his head the only thing he wanted to do was to eat and sleep however something weird happened at that moment his vision turned red for a moment one would expect that it should have felt extremely painful but Qian Tao just shrugged it off. " Weird."

Finally they arrived at their respective yards it was already in the *wû diân period when they arrived Qian Tao was exhausted and  immediately chased away the maids well not before telling them to come later to deliver his dinner.

While they were being shooed away they kept on reminding him that the emperor will come to visit and blah blah blah he really wasn't interested in all that. When he finally rid himself of those annoying maids he stretched out his tense muscles and changed his red wedding clothes into his white sleeping garments then jumped into his bed snuggled under the blankets and fell asleep.

In the imperial study a young man In a black patternless robe set with a book in hand looking rather refined and noble like a young schooler. He had pitch black eyes that looked rather piercing and cold. His features were sharp and well defined his hair was half tied up into a ponytail and half left casually draped over his shoulder. He emitted an air of nobleness and coldness truly a sight to behold. Infront of his knelt a black clad man with his head down. "Speak we are listening."

A cold and sharp voice broke through the silence it was from the young man who is precisely the emperor . " Your majesty this servant came to inform your highness that the concubines from the prime ministers mansion have arrived."  "We see anything else?" Asked the emperor in an uninterested tone.
"Except that concubine Qian Tao seems rather-" before he could finish the emperor's voice coldly cut him off " Did we ask for information regarding concubine Qian Tao?"

The man started to shiver and prostated himself on the ground begging for forgiveness he knew that he should never talk about what he shouldn't infront of the emperor and never say more than he is asked. The emperor just waved him away and just when the man was about to leave the emperor's voice coldly bought him back " Go get your punishment a 100 plank beatings." The man felt himself plunge into a cold pool of water and a  cold sweat slid down his forehead he then knelt "As his majesty commands."

Then hastily left. Finally alone the emperor put down his book and massaged between his brows. ' New concubines more like new problems' the emperor sighed and got up from his chair to do his duty of seeing his new concubines. As he went out rows and rows of people immediately knelt at the sight of him. He then dreadfully went to the twin snow jade court yard which Qian Tao resided in. When he arrived his servants quickly announced his arrival.

When Qian Bai heard that the emperor had arrived she instantly lit up ever since she arrived she chased all her servants away and sat on the bed waiting for the emperor to arrive for their wedding night. When the emperor arrived he saw a woman in red with heavy makeup looking extremely cheap the emperor silently sighed it seems he had received another wh*re in his palace.

Over the years the emperor had seen many types the quiet ones, the outspoken ones, the shy ones, the cold and aloof ones and the seductive ones and no matter their characters they all want one thing and that is to roll in the sheets with him. He really has gotten rather tired of this sort of shameless behavior. " Your majesty." Qian Tao deeply bowed her head towards the emperor. The emperor did not even bother with her and walked over to the table and sat down.

Feeling rather awkward Qian Bai rose from her bowing posture ready to go to the table to sit down just as she took a step towards the table the emperor got enraged and shouted " IMPUDENCE!!!!! How dare you move to sit with Us without Our permission??!" Qian Bai immediately knelt and started begging for forgiveness!! She had forgotten the most important rule that one should not move or do anything without the emperor's permission even breathing should have his go ahead any violaters would only face death.

The emperor stood up and walked towards the door " Tomorrow head to the punishment hall to receive five floggings." Qian Bai was shocked and she asked inspite therself " but you.....your highness I'm the prime ministers daughter-" the emperor coldly snorted " and so? Should We the heavens son be scared by the prime minister? You are but a lowly concubine yet you still dare defy my order and even after We have shown mercy by giving you a light punishment of but five and not two hundred floggings you still dare to complain and play your nobility card?! Woman like you truly make Us sick."

He then went out. Qian Bai could not do anything except for falling down on her butt stupefied thinking ' it wasn't supposed to be like this the emperor was supposed to like her at first sight and stay the night with her how the hell did the situation turn out this way?!'  tears rolled down her face as she soundlessly sobbed.

*Around the time of five o'clock.

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