21 Not weak.

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At dawn the next day a plain looking carriage could be seen the front driver was a young man in a black robe and next to his was a young woman with delicate features wearing a purple robe. A young man in a red robe tied with a black belt walked up to the carriage and looked at the drivers his face turned even colder at the sight of the female next to the young man in black. The young man then got into the carriage and sat down while crossing his legs. " Your majesty these useless cannot find concubine Qian Tao anywhere." The young man who is the emperor silently sighed " It's fine We will leave now"  he then muttered. " Tao is really going to drive me nuts!!" The carriage began on it's way. Hours passed in silence until the emperor finally asked the carriage to stop for breakfast luckily they were close to a small village when the carriage finally stopped infront of an inn the emperor spoke in a rather gentle voice " you can come out now."

Silence fell on the carriage the young man though his master had gone crazy while the woman was sweating bullets. The emperor spoke up again " isn't it stuffy in there come out." The emperor silently sighed " If you don't come out now forget about eating dessert." Suddenly the secret space to store luggage across from the emperor opened and a young man in light patternless blue robe came out of the space his hair was scattered all over the place his face was covered in sweat and his face was tinted pink it was non other than Qian Tao.

Yesterday he had decided to go with the emperor which was why he was so quiet because he was thinking of a way to go with the latter since he guessed that the emperor would not allow him to come. Thus he came up with the plan of stowing away and having Wu Mu sit with the driver while wearing a disguise. The emperor stood up " Let's go eat you must be hungry after all it takes a lot to hide a way like a mouse." The emperor then went out of the carriage and into the inn. Qian Tao had complains about that statement but still kept quiet as he was getting the vibes of anger from the emperor. He then followed him into the inn the three guards on horse back and the carriage driver were all shocked at the sight of Qian Tao who had snuck in. Qian Tao quietly went into the inn and sat next to the emperor who had chosen a seat at the corner near the window on the second floor. The atmosphere was really delicate neither one said anything ,the waiter came and took the orders from the emperor when the food was delivered neither of the tow had said a word and have been sitting there in silence. Finally after what seemed like an eternity the emperor spoke " Let's eat."

Qian Tao started to dig in when he finished he spoke up " Don't send me back." The emperor was drinking his tea leisurely when Qian Tao said this. Seeing as there was no response Qian Tao panicked " You listen here.... I can help I am not that weak haven't you been training me? You know that I can take care of my self right? Also I know medicine should you get hurt I can heal you! Besides I you send me back now I can get ambushed and killed by your enemies!!!!"  The emperor finally finished his tea " ........... What can We do with you? Just be careful ok? Don't stray away from me." Qian Tao nodded. " Ok then let's get going!" The emperor was already at the door when he said this. When they got to the carriage all the guards bowed in greetings to Qian Tao. The emperor shot a glance at Wu Mu's direction and the latter broke out in a cold sweat.

Qian Tao and the emperor got into the carriage and it began going on it's way again. Feeling much lighter Qian Tao casually asked " By the way how did you know I was in there?" The emperor looked at Qian Tao like he was stupid " We are a martial artist." Qian Tao shut his mouth at the blunt answer it seemed as though the emperor was still fairly angry at him. The carriage continued without a problem until they reached the kingdom of Ma.

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