30 Be my friend.

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Everyone fell silent 'is this demon crazy?!!' was written across everyone's faces everyone except Qian Tao and Xingfu this was because one didn't understand and the other well did not care. The other demons left either took out gate stone or began running either way they were left to do whatever they wanted. Qian Tao walked towards Yueliang and placed a hand on his shoulder the latter looked towards him with a sorrowful look " You need to go get medical help." Qian Tao nodded actually for a while now his vision kept getting blurry it maybe because of too much blood loss. Seeing Qian Tao nod Yueliang smiled and just as he was about to walk away Qian Tao fell face first on the cold muddy ground and became unconscious.

When he came to Qian Tao was rested on a comfy bed with the still hard pillow that he has yet to grow used to. He stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling and realized that he could only see the left side of the room. Then it hit him ' I got stabbed in the eye.' Qian Tao felt woeful but still held it in. "The sleeping beauty is awake?" Qian Tao was startled at the low Voice that carried a hint of playfulness but because the person sat on his right side and Qian Tao knew that he should not put pressure on his injured side thus he sat up and turned his face to his surprise he came face to face with a white haired man with an elegant but playful smile lingering on his rather pale face , his purple eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. Qian Tao stared at him blankly before finally speaking " The emperor of-" Xingfu cut him off  " Hey don't be a stranger!!!!  This old man prefers others to speak freely to me ok~ so come on call me whatever you want~" Qian Tao rolled his eye and continued " what do you want here infact how are you here?" Xingfu placed his elbows on the bed and rested his head on his palm making a silly expression " What do you mean? Hm? Can't I be here?" Qian Tao gave him a cold look and said resolutely "I remember very well Yueliang told me that a woman should never be left alone in the bedroom with another man whether married or not!!" Xingfu sat back in his chair and looked at Qian Tao with an amused expression and teased " oh? But your a man tho? Or are you not?" Qian Tao froze ' Yeah I am a man.......... Oh yeah!!' " Yueliang said there is no difference between a woman and a ger since they are both feminine and give birth" Xingfu raised an eyebrow and smiled " come on you don't believe that right? There are some girls who are manlier than most men what about them? Look we are both guys here plus I am not married so it's ok."
" It's true tho!!"
" I heard that you have 109 concubines how are you not married?"
Xingfu looked wronged and argued " you said it yourself concubine!! A concubine is no different than a lover or friend who helps when needed and keeps you from being lonely ok!!" Qian Tao just gave up there really was no use arguing with an idiot.  "What do you want then?"
Xingfu looked at Qian Tao's bandaged eye " I am here to check up on you. But seeing as you look lively I think your ok." Qian Tao nodded " I am fine."
Xingfu stared at Qian Tao more intensely " You know on top of losing your eye a scar is left behind are you ok with that?" Qian Tao looked back at Xingfu who looked more nervous than him " it's ok I've always liked scars since each one always has a heroic story to it. Scars are more than wounds they are stories and ultimately make up the person."
Xingfu nodded " Your a rare one. Usually one would cry their eyes out at the news." *No pun intended (-_-;)
" Why should I cry?" ' it seems useless since the scar will heal on its own anyway.' Xingfu agreed with the statement " anyway I have no time left. I am here to inform you of your selfless deeds and ask you what you want."
Qian Tao looked genuinely confused making Xingfu feel bad for the innocent little guy. " Well in the battle you did save the lives of many people so the emperor's decided to award your bravery with whatever you may want." Qian Tao nodded in understanding " Do I get one reward from each emperor or-"
"One reward each."
Qian Tao was amazed " how did this happen?" Xingfu smiled " who knows they suddenly got generous." ' tho I won't say I pushed them to being generous 😈' Qian Tao asked " I can ask for anything?" Xingfu nodded " what do you want? A hospital? Fame? Fortune? A high position? Magic stones? Weapons? Anything at all can be yours."
'what do I want?' ever since Qian Tao came here he's had no desires really nor dreams it's always been like this. 'Ah wait!'
" I want revenge on the prime ministers family!!!" How could Qian Tao have forgotten it seems his days with Yueliang made him forget about past traumas. Xingfu smiled "Then what do you need for revenge?"
Qian Tao thought for a while and spoke " power ,position and fortune." Xingfu shook his head " what are you going to do with those? Publicly put down your father and his family? Kill them no mercy? What are you a little kid?"
"What's wrong with that?"
" You will be the villain and will be hates by all at that time nobody would be able to stop the wrath of the citizens. 'An unfilial son kills his own flash and blood truly despicable he deserves to be hung let him be killed' is that what you desire?" Qian Tao felt his neck turn cold at the thought and hastily shook his head. " What then? I am a simple person you know? I have been told that I am too honest as well" Xingfu smiled " Then I'll help you in return I want one thing." 
" I have no money I won't sell myself I am married,I won't be your lover I am happily married, I won't sell my organs and I won't slave away." Xingfu burst out laughing at the straight forwardness of Qian Tao " Relax I only want one thing be my friend won't you?" Qian Tao looked at him with a face written ' I don't want to' xingfu looked hurt and whined " look you befriending me means you get all the benefits what's there to lose huh? I'll tell you what nothing so come on please🥺?"

Author: That's another chapter down about 100 more to go hopefully♪~(´ε` ) anyway I realized that people think the wrong person is Ml...... Have I ever said who ML is......... I guess not huh? Oh well happy reading└|∵|┐♪

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