34 A precious gem

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Xingfu's view

I hooked my lips up as I watched Qian Tao reluctantly accept my gift ' it seems he likes the rougher approach?' a deep sense of accomplishment rose within me and I chuckled happily " Good" looking to the side at the young man in black *Yi as always had a serious look on his face who was he trying to fool? It was well known how loud and energetic this guy is. Tsk only thing this subordinate knows how to do I look cool doesn't he!! I signaled him with my eyes as I was really to lazy to do telekinesis and I wanted to test out our master subordinate level of  understanding I lightly glanced at him with meaning and the second he saw me look back he bowed a quickly went to retrieve the gift .

Ah the joys of having such deep understanding with the people around you!! Looking back at the blue robed youth ( Qian Tao) I smiled 'it was really worth living this long so I could get a chance to meet such a cute child but' my smiled grew cold ' it would be better if this little bunny showed it's teeth more often instead of pretending to be innocent'

'I am in no rush for that anyway as this little is poisonous and he just needs someone to push him and luckily here I am!' Yi came back and directly went with the red box to Qian Tao and handed it over .The latter hesitated a bit before finally taking it and when he opened the box his eyes faintly shook that's a positive response. I guess since it was a gem highly recommended by that old hag it would not disappoint.

Qian Tao's view

When I opened the box I was faced with a beautiful blue and orange like gem that seemed to have captured the flames of fire along with beautiful glowing blue butterflies. I seem to have seen it before ..... ' Ah' wasn't it that fire opal that Lui Yu always said he would buy for his lover? That one expensive opal? My eyes shook at the realization.

This opals has more zeros in it's amount that I can't even pronounce the price !!! well to be fair I  can at most name numbers up to one hundred thousand well don't blame my lack of education blame the scientists for failing to teach me ok?!!! Closing the box I deeply bowed and sincerely thanked Xingfu after all this would make me rich!!! Xingfu smiled and dismissed the meeting after a few more courtesy words.

The army received the money and were gratified and just like xingfu predicted my reputation rose as I was painted as a selfless doctor who gave all his hard earned money to the common people truly such a selfless heart of someone with no greed.

But no one knew that at that moment Qian Tao was crying with no tears when he found out that the gem he received was not very precious as it was not a magical stone and since it's only function was decorations the power driven psychos refused to buy it feeling bitter Qian Tao spent the remainder of his days here locked in his room while occasionally hanging out with the ever so busy Yueliang during his spare time.

* Remember the guy we saved in chapter 26? No ok it's Yi though

The fire opal

The fire opal

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