44 Mysterious man

672 26 18

Yu's POV

Three weeks have passed since I started helping master train. The first few days were hard honestly, his foundation was totally messed up I wondered how he had not broken his core yet. Even the self taught healing skill posed a risk to his life, master was one would call a ticking time bomb that could go off anytime but rather than killing everybody with it he would be the only casual. 

I ended up scolding him but I quickly apologized after for my rudeness, even if master says it's alright to be casual with him I can't, not calling him master and addressing him by name is the most I can do to follow his order. Past that the demon clan has not attacked yet which is weird considering that they should have attacked two weeks ago but there was no movement. All the kingdom troupes have moved to the battle field all with an exception to the highest level cultivators from the sects hired by the kingdoms to protect them and the kings. "Did you hear? Apparently his majesty is reluctant to go to war and leave his pregnant wife behind~~" a maid walking five feet ahead of me chirped making he companion nod "yes I heard how romantic his majesty is, it's too bad though that she is in terrible health." The other maid immediately followed "I heard that his majesty hired every expert he could find, but none can help her." The other maid gasped "is that why his majesty is so eager to find concubine Qian Tao?" "I supposed so. Poor thing has fallen out of favour even then he has to help the one responsible for that." The other maid laughed "Maybe that's why he ran? I know I would!!" The other one spoke in an uncertain voice " but are you sure about that?"
"Otherwise? They have been searching for him high and low they still can't find-".
"Are the maids in this palace so free that they can discuss my masters life so leisurely?" I spoke suppressing my rising anger. The two girls got flustered bowed their heads in apologies and ran away. I sighed feeling distressed for my master.

He didn't deserve this at all. What those two maids said was the truth except one thing master did not run away infact he is inside a secluded cave outside the palace up in the mountains I found two weeks back. I had infused some of my internal energy into him and helped guide him so he could properly circulate his internal energy although I did not have enough power to open all his meridians for the first time I did manage to release a few. Although new cultivators typically don't have their meridians blocked that did not apply to master it seems that they had been blocked when he was younger and him using his internal energy without a proper strong core and circulation system made his meridians almost burst, even if he did not feel any pain for now it was bound to happen later and by then it would have been too late for him. I'm pretty sure the two emperor's figured that out but they still continued to teach him attack moves that required master to use his internal energy violently, honestly they were killing him slowly. I wonder if they did this with good intentions so he could protect himself or they did it knowingly and wanted to kill him since master is from the demon tribe. I wonder if they know that master is a demon.

The chances are low for emperor Yueliang to know but the emperor leader he definitely knows maybe that's why he placed me here. Sighing I went to masters room where I have been standing guard waiting for him to return.

Third person POV

In a cold secluded cave up in the mountains a young man in a white robe sat in a lotus pose on top of a cold bolder sweating profusely making the robe he was wearing wet with sweat. His long ink black hair clung to his forehead. His already pale skin went paper pale his usually pink lips were dry and cracked, the man cut a pitiful figure to say the least. This young man was Qian Tao. He had started cultivating roughly two weeks back. Yu had helped guide his energy it felt refreshing unlike anything he has experienced. Learning from that he had started doing it himself he was successful at first but now he reached a bottleneck his circulation was stagnant and he could feel his core slowly ripping apart. Qian Tao felt like his soul was tearing apart, he knows he needs help  but he is also aware that nobody would save him Yu would not come and he had to do it on his own but, unlike other times Qian Tao knows that he can't get through this alone, if he doesn't get help anytime soon he will die and he doubts his father will help him get reborn again, it was a feeling he had this was the last chance he will ever get, should he die here it's over he'll be a soul wondering in the endlessly dark abyss.

Hours passed like this and with each passing second Qian Tao was losing his core kept on breaking apart. Not giving up Qian Tao decide to give it one more push. He was so concentrated that he failed to notice the entrance of someone else inside the cave. The man had crystal white hair and deep black abyss like eyes he slowly walked into the cave he had been inhabiting for the last year or so. He leisurely walked into the cave while munching on the string of meat he went out to buy. Looking at the young man he had been sharing the cave with for the past two weeks he shook his head sighing.

Originally he had been so disappointed to find that the people of one of the big kingdoms were so weak that they could not sense him at all heck even their emperor could not sense him. Seeing the young one suffering his heart softened not being sure if it was because he was just a little demon or that he looked so determined when cultivating but he found himself wanting to help the guy. Walking up to the guy and wiping his greasy hand on a cloth he always carries around. "Little demon I'll help you out this once ok." Qian Tao's frowned at the voice but did not lose concentration. "You will owe me a debt, do pay me back later little one." Placing his cold hand on Qian Tao's head the man started infusing him (Qian Tao) with his internal energy and helped guide him again while unlocking all his blocked pints usually this would take large amounts of energy but for the man it was as simple as breathing. The youth finally stopped sweating and started gathering his energy. "It seems you are about to break through into another stage?" The man smiled "Congratulations Little demon." The man retracted his hand and walked deeper into the cave where he had been living the past year.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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