12 The strength of a half blood

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After lunch Qian Tao spent the following two hours sleeping and when it was finally evening he went to his sister's new court yard.

The only reason she got a new yard was because of her health the prime minister had asked the emperor to grant her permission to live in the Ruo court yard which the latter had no reason to object to.

Qian Tao and Wu Mu got to the court yard and went straight into Qian Bai's room. When they got in they were met with a beautiful young lady who was elegantly seated at a table casually drinking tea. When she saw Qian Tao she smiled " little brother your here. Please sit and have some tea" Qian Tao smiled back and sat down

" Little brother heard sister wanted to meet me?" Qian Bai replied in a kind tone " mn sister just missed you that's all now please let's enjoy some tea after that you may go. I do not want to keep you here long lest the emperor misses you too much." Qian Tao did not pay much attention and drank all the tea in one gulp thus he missed the killing intent flash through Qian Bai's eyes.

The two passed a few more courtesy words and after a while Qian Tao left.

" Hey Wu Mu." Wu Mu looked towards Qian Tao who had suddenly called out to him. "Yes master?" Qian Tao looked serious as he untied the belt of his robe " i-i think Qian Bai gave me aphrodisiac." Wu Mu's face turned odd. "Please let's hurry back." Wu Mu snapped back after hearing that and realized that Qian Tao was already stripping she then picked up his belt and tightly tied it around the latter's waist before quickly pulling him and running towards the twin snow jade court.

When they arrived home Qian Tao excitedly went into his room so he could strip and cool down but things would not go his way today when Qian Tao opened the door he was met with a Shin Chen who was leisurely drinking a cup of wine. A vain popped out of Qian Tao's forehead " What you doing here??!"

Wu Mu was just behind Qian Tao and when he saw a stranger inside her master's room she stood out protecting Qian Tao. " Aww calm down won't you I promise I won't hurt you...... infact I am here to help you." Shin Chen said shamelessly. " Help me-ah.......what did you do? Why do I feel so hot? did you poison me?!"

Qian Tao was getting hotter and hotter by the second it took all of his will power to stop himself from stripping. There wasn't a place he did not bite on his tongue so he could keep his sanity. Qian Tao looked at Wu Mu thought for a bit and spoke " Ten minutes." Wu Mu was puzzled " Ten minutes" " I Give you ten minutes go bring back help for this master." Wu Mu stated worriedly. "Can master hold on?"

Qian Tao nodded " not a second more now..... Go!!!" Wu Mu hesitantly ran out of the court yard after she saw her master's determination, when Shin Chen saw her run he chuckled " this is the second servant to abandon you but don't worry I won't leave you now how about a hug" while talking Shin Chen had stood up and closed the distance between the two of them he was now a foot away from Qian Tao.

"Keep away from me." Shin Chen got more confident after hearing his response and go so close that they were now a foot away his over confidence prevented him from seeing Qian Tao's face turn instantly cold and emotionless that he looked like a doll. " Aww don't say that I know you love me to death I bet you missed me love MN?"

" Did you long for me my love you know that maid of yours is starting to bore me why not come with me I'll treat you good huh?". Qian Tao's lips turned up into a smirk while Chen was still rambling on he did not even notice when Qian Tao had reached over until his breath hitched. Qian Tao had grabbed Shin Chen by the neck squeezing it tightly " you-you!!! Help-help murder!!"

Shin Chen realized that he could not get out of this person's grasp and he was losing air quick his eyes started to turn cloudy but he could see the gentle smile on Qian Tao's face it gave him goosebumps 'the devil' that's what came into Shin Chen's mind after seeing Qian Tao's expression. "I'm afraid I can't come with you young master Chen as I do not love you anymore.

Although I must say you and my sister are truly cruel to put it so much aphrodisiac inside my drink I mean if I did not have all these toxins in my blood I would have raped you."

Shin Chen felt odd and frightened " y-your a ger s-so i-id rape *gasp* you *gasp* please l-let go *gasp*" Qian Tao threw Shin Chen to the ground although it looked like a light movement when Shin Chen's body hit the floor he felt his ribs crack from the impact Qian Tao then laughed " hahahahahahahaha you though hahahahahahaha you could rape me?? Ha you must be out of your mind.".

Shin Chen had seen it all after crawling up from the floor while clutching his sides he had seen how Qian Tao had been laughing one second and had a cold look in his eyes the next. ' crazy bastard!!-' before he could finish his thoughts he was dragged up by Qian Tao oddly enough the latter let him go after picking him up."W-what are you-" before he could finish his sentence the emperor had already kicked down the door and the image that was infront of him was a man standing in the room of his concubine.

" Qian Tao and Shin Chen do you mind explaining what your doing all alone in this room?" The emperor was showing slight anger but was overall calm. When he came here he had expected to see two people rolling on the sheets since he was informed that Qian Tao was stealthily given aphrodisiac by his sister.

" Your majesty you see Mr Shin Chen here came to get me back saying that your not worthy of me *smirk* you see your highness I am a treasure" Qian Tao spoke more teasingly than usual.

Shin Chen panicked
" yo-you *groan* I never said that!!!"

" What didn't you want to tangle with me?" Qian Tao had a look of genuine shock " Qian your a monster why would I want a ger like you?! Instead of speaking about that ah... let's talk about how you broke my ribs you freak!!!!"

The current situation made the emperor's head throb. Although he had not seen the scene but he could piece it together. ' sigh it seems Qian Tao isn't that defenseless after all. " Guards take Mr Shin Chen away and wait for further instructions"

"Yes sir" the guards swiftly answered and took the lightly panting Shin Chen away one could tell at first glance that he was in pain.

Once they left the emperor looked at Qian Tao and felt a huge headache coming." What are we going to do with you?"

Qian Tao smiled " can we not talk about this it's a little bit uncomfortable." The emperor nodded after all what else could he do.

Qian Tao was pretty happy with his reaction. "Aigo! Since we have solved this I'm gonna go bath I'm still feeling pretty hot" The emperor looked at Qian Tao who's face was slightly flushed due to the drug and had a stream of blood coming out of the corner of his lips. The emperor sighed "After bathing take some medicine for your wounds." Qian Tao nodded his head and headed towards the bathroom.

The emperor showed a cold as ice look on his face as he turned towards the door " Wu Mu keep a good watch over him don't let such things happen again otherwise it'll be your head hanging on the palace gates after young master Shin Chen." Wu Mu gulped and vigorously nodded her head. The emperor then walked back to his study.

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