13 Lee Yu.

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A few days passed and neither of them talked about the accident. Today was like any regular day Qian Tao had just had lunch with the emperor after having a chat  the emperor went back to work while Qian Tao read the medical books he had gotten from the emperor. By the time he finished reading it was already 30 minutes past his original dinner time.

Qian Tao then stood up and went outside " Wu Mu has the emperor had dinner yet?" Wu Mu " No master he is still in a meeting in the imperial study." Qian Tao nodded and told a few maids to make dinner and deliver it at the imperial study. He then went over to where the emperor was he didn't know why but he had gotten used to eating with the emperor and now he felt awkward eating alone. When they arrived at the study the eunuch standing outside went inside to report their arrival when he came out Qian Tao was already at the door.

" Your highness the emperor has said you should come in." Qian Tao was confused wasn't there a meeting going on? Honestly he did not mind waiting for him to finish. 

"Oh well" Qian Tao leisurely entered the study and was instantly met with loud shouting. " Your majesty you cannot punish the prime ministers kid!!" The emperor looked extremely tired as he slowly answered " She poisoned someone."

The man who looked like he was in his late 20s shook his head " Your majesty you can't. Do you want to start a war the way I see it just kick concubine Qian Tao out of your harem." " Your majesty are you kicking me out of Your palace?" Although his voice sounded gentle there was no warmth detectable in his voice. The young man Lui Yu slowly turned around and when he saw Qian Tao his pupils shook for a moment. "Concubine Qian Tao your already here is it supper time already."

The emperor asked casually as he got off his seat and walked over to Qian Tao completely ignoring Lui Yu. Qian Tao nodded before sighing once he looked toward Lui Yu " aigo! your majesty it seems I must leave your harem." The emperor shook his head " don't mind that fool".

Qian Tao nodded his head " you haven't had dinner right? I asked the maids to make us some food they should be done preparing it in about four incense sticks.*"  The emperor patted Qian Tao's head before turning around and looking Lui Yu straight in his eyes " Your still here?" Lui Yu didn't pay mind to the emperor and just blankly stared at Qian Tao before finally squeezing out " Taotao? Taotao! Is it really you??!".

Qian Tao was slightly taken aback and blunted out " what the f*ck don't call me that bastard!"

" T-Tao it's me Lee Yu can't you recognize me ?!!" Lui Yu answered in a shaky and quiet voice.

In this time Qian Tao's face went through several changes the first one was confusion then shock after that was realization and lastly ecstasy. " Broooo Lee Yu!!!! Is it really you !" He was just about to hug Lee Yu when the emperor pulled him up by his collar keeping him away.

"Don't do anything that will ruin both your images." Qian Tao felt wrong and immediately answered back " Lee Yu is like a big brother to me!!! Right Lee Yu!!" The emperor felt a splitting headache coming on and silently sighed " Listen brother or not your a ger not to mention Our concubine so how would it look if you hugged a man who is not even blood related to you? Have you thought about Our feelings? What about his* wive's feelings? His kids?" Qian Tao was truly surprised and looked towards Lui Yu " your married?!!! You didn't even invite me? Well I can't blame you there.... But kids I'm an uncle already!!!!! Omg Lee Yu!!" 

Lui Yu could see the happiness in Qian Tao's eyes and could hear the excitement in his tone. Lui Yu silently clenched his fists underneath his sleeves. ' I guess he really has no feelings for me... Even after finding out that Im married he feels nothing? *Sigh* Although I already knew this when I confessed before and you closed your eyes with no hesitation it still does sting a bit.'

Lui Yu smiled bitterly " yeah I got two wives and six kids each wife had three kids. Shocking isn't it?"
Qian Tao's jaw dropped " Two Wives TWO!!!!! Do you have a monsters stamina or what?!!!" The emperor pulled Qian Tao back by his collar upon hearing his comment. Lui Yu just lightly chuckled " Yeah I Am Lee Yu your cool older brother what can't I handle?"  Qian Tao nodded "Right right that's true!"

" I'm sorry Qian Tao.......... You sacrificed yourself for me yet I died not long after you." Lui Yu looked regretful as he recalled how he died " we did not expect them to have landmines at the foot of the mountain."

Qian Tao shook his head " it's ok what matters is that your ok plus now you are living happily aren't ya? That's all that matters." Lee Yu nodded his head and started to look more lively.

" Warlord Lee Yu We think it's about time you fu- I mean go. Your family must be waiting for you we will continue our discussion tomorrow." The emperor stated in a rather emotionless and distant tone.

Lui Yu bowed " Yes your majesty this servant will be on his way. Young master Qian Tao I hope you will come visit my family one day." Qian Tao smiled " of cause Warlord Lee Yu I will come visit after all you still need to keep your promise about going around and tasting the most delicious pastries!!" Lui Yu looked taken aback for a moment before excitedly responding " of cause I still need to fulfill my promises!"

' the f*ck is with these two am I the great emperor of this country your third wheel?!!! Lui Yu this f*cking b*stard dares to chat so casually with Tao?!!! ' " ehem. We will see you tomorrow Lui Yu."

"Ah yes your majesty. Farewell"  ' why the hell is this emperor giving off such a murderous aura?' Lui Yu quickly said goodbye and turned to leave.

Qian Tao smiled and waved at him happily " say hello to sister in law for me!!" And with that Lee Yu left. It was a quiet for a while. " Uh your majesty could you release my collar it's starting to choke me." The emperor immediately let him go and walked over to his seat and started reading the documents. Qian Tao took a seat across the emperor and stared at the man. " Don't stare it's rude." The emperor sounded casual when he talked " what is this servant supposed to do then? Just let me stare at you." The emperor have up thinking it was useless. " You got killed for Lui Yu?"

Qian Tao sighed " yeah it was on impulse though but I don't regret it."

"We see."

The room fell into a comfortable silence afterwards. The maids then came with the food.

* This stands for time four incense sticks roughly about 20 min.
* Here I am Referring to Lu Yu .

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