28 Watch Out

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Waves upon waves of demons rushed at them at the same time more and more injured people were delivered to Qian Tao. It was disastrous but strangely enough Qian Tao could not stop his mouth from twitching upwards this rush this feeling the smell of blood the urgency of the situation made his heart thump his face flushed red ' this is really thrilling!!!'.


An earth shattering explosion rang out making the dust rise to the point of making it hard to see anything. When the dust finally settled Qian Tao saw a creator created by the impact earlier and upon a closer look he saw the bloodied body of Emperor Gao Lui with his wife Empress Jie who looked gravely injured kneeling next to him trying to pull him out of the ground along with the mildly injured Sha Yun. At that moment a wild and loud laugh was heard from the sky     "YAHaHaHaHaHaHehehehehehehhe!!!!" Qian Tao looked up and saw the figures of four people it was Emperor I-Xin, Qian Chung, Bo and  " Yueliang!!!" Qian Tao subconsciously spoke. Yueliang who was holding a jade white sword that seemed free of the words impurities and sins. Yueliang looked towards Qian Tao and when he saw him safe and sound he smiled gently at him. He then looked at Xingfu and nodded Xingfu sighed "ah~ dear me young love!! I will see you later Tao." Xingfu then lightly floated up to where Yueliang had been previously standing while Yueliang floated down to Qian Tao. " I thought we agreed that you would stay still this time?" Yueliang said as he gently placed his hand on Qian Tao's head. " Well I thought I could come and help you out," Qian Tao stated without much emotion " I see then I'll protect you until it's time to go back." Qian Tao rolled his eyes " you can barely protect yourself no need to protect me!!" Yueliang smiled "Your Our wife it's my duty to protect you." Qian Tao clicked his tongue in annoyance " It's husband....... I am your husband I might be married to you but I am a man I won't suddenly turn into a wife just because I married a man!!" Yueliang looked confused for a moment before smiling " We see. We are sorry for offending you Tao." Qian Tao sighed and looked up at the sky on reflex then he saw it a man with orange hair charged at the emperor's ,commander and general floating up in the air and with one clean sweep of his spear they all got pushed back. The man then turned and charged at yueliang Xingfu who gained his footing first shouted "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!" He then shot forward like a bullet right behind the man Yueliang who was staring at Qian Tao the whole time turned around to see a spear with a great amount of power poured into it charging towards his throat the distance between them was too small to avoid and even if he did his shoulder would be cleanly cut off!! Yueliang's mind buzzed and he froze after all no matter how much of a genius you are and how strong you may be infront of death your mind would go blank. Just then he heard Qian Tao shouting "Watch Out Hao!!!!!" Yueliang's body tipped to the left 'huh? Don't tell me...' Yueliang fell to the ground but he immediately got up and looked back to where he had been previously standing " Qian Tao!!!!!"

Author: Thank you for reading and not minding the crappy fight scenes honestly i have zero experience in writing fight scenes and such-
Xingfu: ok ok then what about *fighting* scenes
Author: I just said I can't-
Yueliang: he mean y'know fighting scenes~~
Author and the innocent Qian Tao: what???????

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