23 introductions

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They arrived at a room with large brown double doors. The doors were so large that a giant could probably fit into these doors. 'Thinking about it this palace it's self is pretty large' the palace of Ma was triple the size of Yueliang's palace.

The doors were opened by the guards that were with Hsin. Stepping inside the room Qian Tao was faced with a large ball room in the middle there stood a long table with five people sitting on either side of it and one person sitting at the head of the table. Yueliang bowed in greetings Qian Tao naturally followed along and offered his greetings. The people sitting at the table returned the greeting. " Emperor of the *Northern sun how long has it been since we last met?" A man who had white hair and Jade like white skin with beautiful purple eyes spoke  honestly his looks were enough to be considered divine. 

  " It hasn't been long ( enough ) your majesty" Qian Tao noticed that the latter looked rather irked at the sight of the white haired man. A man wearing golden armour smiled widely at the sight of Qian Tao " Oh my. Is this perhaps your most recent favorite concubine?" Qian Tao flinched a little he had almost forgotten that he was part of his harem that he was a concubine ' just another one of his many wives. But dang did this bastard need to remind me!??'  he didn't know why but this sudden reminder left a bitter angering taste in his mouth " it would seem so?".

' ah shit! The provoking has begun!! But still it would seem that Qian Tao heeded my words.' a few days ago while on the carriage Yueliang had warned Qian Tao about action informally with people who are above his rank although the latter argued that he was always respectful Yueliang ended up pointing out that although Qian Tao spoke the correct words his tone sometimes felt degrading especially that look in his eyes it made one feel small and powerless.

Thus Yueliang had asked Qian Tao to fix that as other people in power hate being looked down upon. The latter finally agreed and said he would try his best to change and seeing the results Qian Tao really was trying although it was still showing it was not bad like before. 

Yueliang smiled at the man who spoke " Actually brother Yún he is not just a concubine he is my wife and in future it's going to be only me and him in our kingdom." The man looked bemused for a second but quickly regained his footing " for such words to come out of brother yueliang's mouth dear ger you must really be special in that case I shall introduce myself I am general Sha Yún of the Ma kingdom." The woman next to him also spoke " I am the princess of Ma Bo Ma a pleasure to meet you."

Qian Tao bowed " I am Qian Tao it is my honor to meet you." Yueliang gracefully sat down at the table leaving Qian Tao alone as if saying ' leave me out of it' Qian Tao had only one though ' an annoying bastard ' The white haired man at the head of the table smiled at Qian Tao's introduction " short and sweet I see. Well I will follow suit the man to my left is Gao Lui" a short man with a bald head and a long black beard and mustache nodded his head " beside him is his wife Jiê Lui a former well known general."

The middle aged  looking woman waved at Qian Tao who bowed back. " Next to her is I-Xin Jiang with his wife a well known martial artist Wén Jiang" a man who had tan skin and blue hair nodded along with his wife who looked paled and  had beautiful golden hair and eyes. " That's Axel Ma the emperor of this kingdom along with his daughter sister Bo her husband brother Yún and his son Hsin who is next to you." Hsin who was next to Qian Tao smiled making Qian Tao also smile back.

"Then finally general Lui and your  brother I presume commander Chung." There it was the eye sore Qian Tao deliberately chose to ignore Chung!! He had almost nearly forgotten that morons face and name but no!! He just needed to get reminded of him!! ' calm down if I kill him now it won't be too much fun!!' Qian Tao instead looked at his long time friend Lui Yu and smiled. Lui Yu smiled back in an elegant way. " These people are emperor's and generals of their respected kingdoms." Qian Tao bowed again " it is truly an honor to meet you all." " Now that everyone is introduced it's my turn. You must be curious about who I am."

Qian Tao looked at the white haired man with an uninterested expression and spoke halfheartedly spoke " Of cause I really want to know this esteemed lord's identity..." The white haired man felt irked at Qian Tao's response but still chose to keep quiet.

He then stood up and proudly pointed at his chest while shouting grandly" I am the great Emperor of  the Dragon kingdom Xìngfù Bai!!!"
The hall fell silent along with Qian Tao "..........." Xingfu sat back down and stared straight at Qian Tao with dark purple eyes that seemed to twinkle with bright lights his eyes were really enchanting and beautiful to look at.

"I'm Pretty important right!!!" Qian Tao just blankly nodded "yeah....... It's an honor to meet your Majesty." Xingfu narrowed his eyes ' tsk does he have to lie?'
" Then please seat so we can Start the meeting." Qian Tao nodded " thank you your majesty."

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