38 the new empress

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Qian Tao's POV

Taking my seat while trying to ignore the glares I got from concubines Niu Jin, Huang Jingjing and Sha Fabiola yep I knew their names as it was part of my studies with Yueliang ang knowing my fellow concubines and maids. I pick up the cup of tea that was infront of me taking a sip.

Just then an annoying voice came from behind me startling me into almost dropping my tea. I looked back and there she was in all her glory my sister wearing clothes that barely covered her chest with that small waist of her's. She as usual had on heavy make-up but unlike one would expect it just made her prettier.

Her red lips curled into a kind smile making her already small eyes squint. I mean I hate her and all but I gotta admit that she is beautiful well more beautiful than me me that is. " Little brother I'm glad to see you still kicking and lively!" I almost rolled my eyes at her.

I'd have a better chance believing that Xingfu was not a player than believing her words. " Little brother is also happy to see older sister please don't stand too long and have a seat." I said as I stood up and pulled the chair out for her to sit.

This seemed to make her pause momentarily before she regained herself smiling at me once more before sitting down. I also sat down beside her and continued sipping my tea as I watched all the remaining powerhouses come in one by one and all of them had different reactions when they saw me.

For one Concubine Tang gave me fake pity and care while concubine Taiyang threw a nasty comment about my injured eye. I swear if he was not the minister of studies I would have retorted back. After everyone had arrived the main guest finally made his entrance. Yueliang was in a black robe that had golden patterns of a dragon all over it his hair was tied neatly on top of his head.

Honestly he looked like he always did perfect and handsome I liked that about him. Everyone stood up when he came in waiting for his command telling us to sit. He cleared his throat and a smooth low voice came out of his parted lips " We are glad that subjects were able to make it today. It brings joy to Our heart knowing that even in times of crisis We along with subjects are able to meet and share the little joys of Our and subjects lives. That said the banquet can begin."  The whole hall thanked Yueliang and sat down right after getting his confirmation to sit.

Now that was done with I focus on the task at hand which was currently all the delicacies that were being placed infront of me ( imagine whatever food you want really)  not caring for anybody I began elegantly eating big chunks of my food. Honestly that's what I did the whole night you know eat watching as the other concubines display their talents in order to impress Yueliang along with the ministers and I must admit these ancient ladies were super talented so much so that I found myself clapping and no longer paying attention to my food anymore.

Time passes quickly and it was almost time for the banquet to end well that's what was supposed to happen until the prime minister daddy dearest decided to open his mouth. " This servant greets your highness the emperor." Yueliang nodded back an expression of annoyance flashing momentarily before he went back to being expressionless.

" This servant has recognized that it's almost the end of the banquet and your majesty is yet to speak in the issue of the new empress. It is not that this servant is is rushing his majesty but it would be better if the people knew who to follow and lean on when your majesty goes to war for our nation." The hall went silent and my heart thumped ' empress? So Yueliang is forced to choose the next empress right here right now? ' my heart gradually calmed down and then a thought crept it to me ' will he choose me?' I quickly shook my head 'as if. Even I wouldn't choose myself'
Yueliang looked pissed but nobody noticed except for me as I had seen the real him and had spent most of my time with him. After what seemed like an eternity he finally spoke out " Oh but of cause Our subjects must have been restless on this matter. Then We will not keep Our subjects in the dark."

Yueliang's eyes looked at me with an emotion I guessed was regret and he finally spoke " The new empress of our great land is the daughter of the prime minister who is beyond talented and well versed in antiques concubine Qian Bai." My heart dropped and felt like how one would feel is they saw their lover cheating truthfully it's not a nice feeling and frankly it stung like a lot. Everyone was momentarily shocked " congratulations concubine Bai" one of the ministers said this broke everyone's trance and one by one everyone began congratulating the emperor and my sister while simultaneously giving me looks of pity or mockery all depended on my relationship with the said person.

Finally Lui Yu came up to me and signaled with his eyes that I follow him out. I slipped from my chair unnoticed as everyone's attention was on Qian Bai and the emperor. Once I was outside Lui Yu gave me a look of worry and carefully asked " how are you feeling?" 
" Well to be honest I feel like crap and although I did not expect to be chosen but my sister? He knows that I have problems with her and he out of the blue decides to marry her the fuck?" Lui Yu lightly patted my head " it's ok Tao remember you don't have to take shit from anyone anymore and if you feel as if this asshole of an emperor is feeding you shit you can always tell me and I'll help get you out of there ok?" I nodded my head " ok. Thank you a lot really."

He then went back inside with me following after him. We got in just in time to hear the emperor announce the banquets close."We shall have the bonding ceremony two days later  We do expect to see all our subjects there. Having said that the banquet can now come to a close."  He stood up and walked out without giving me a second glance. So this is heartbreak huh?

Author here sorry I went MIA on you guys but I had a lot of personal stuff to take care of but I'm back now and the goal is to finish this book even If I have to go to hell and back!! Well not hell per say but you get the jig. And 14k views and 700+ likes I can't thank you guys enough for reading this story and just seeing your likes and comments ( even though sometimes I don't answer because I am an antisocial and awkward person but that's not the point!) Gives me so much joy and appreciation!! Thank you again and have a good day / night whichever time your in. 🥰🥰

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