40 Lui Yu's wife~

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Qian Tao's POV

" Mast- Tao we have arrived" Wû Mu reports as the carriage came to a stop.  I smile at her finally not calling me master while stepping out of the carriage and looking at the huge manor infront of me. We were currently at Lui Yu's house and must I say it was beautiful!! It looks so peaceful and surreal with all the flowers planted at the front of the house. It's exactly the scenery I need after last night, I barely got any sleep with all the thoughts racing through my mind and when I finally managed to sleep it was all nightmares, so you can imagine my mood but luckily I know better than to be snapping at people and making my friends worried with my frowning.

"Tao!!!!" Lui Yu shouts waving at me when he's about 20 feet away. I smile and wave back. " Come in why are you standing by the entrance of my yard? Come now!! Ling ling has started serving breakfast better hurry if you want a taste." He yells as he walks into the house not even waiting for me to catch up to him. Being slightly irritated by his way of greeting guests. I mentally groan ' really being irritated by Lui Yu's way of greeting? I'm in a worse mood than I initially thought.' walking to the door Lui Yu went through I didn't even bother knocking and just walked inside only to be met with chaos.

I had walked into the living area only to see Lui Yu on the floor trying to drag himself to the other part of the house I assumed was the kitchen because of the divine smell coming from it, a young girl who looked no older than 10 was sitting on his back seemingly trying to stop him from standing up while a young man who looked to be about 18-19? Was pulling Lui Yu's leg to stop him from making it to his destination, when suddenly a figure flashed past them well he tried to but was tackled down by a female causing a loud thud to resound through the house I cringe at the noise ' Ouch, that will leave a mark.' Finally a women about 5'5 steps out of the kitchen spoon in hand and her hand rested on her hour glass shaped hip. She had blond hair that went down to her waist, ocean blue eyes and soft features but as she was glaring at the five all sprawled on the ground she looked scary as fuck!!

Seeing as I had not been noticed yet I decided to come back another time slowly I stepped back but as luck would have it the floor boards creaked under my weight, everyone in the house turned to face me, making me cringe, " This is all a dream you saw no one!!" I said as I made mystical hand gestures. Lui Yu smiled at me, " I can definitely still see you bro!!" I sighed and looked at the women standing by the kitchen door who no longer had a glare on her face as she looked at me, " Good morning everyone my name is Qian Tao." The women looked at me surprised then came to a realization " no wonder you two are friends even your greetings are not formal at all! My name is Lui Ling, but you can call me ling or auntie ling."

I smiled at her "As you wish  but I would like to call you sister Ling, although you might be older than me, with those looks it feels wrong to call you an auntie." Her eyes brightened and everyone groaned in annoyance. " Oh my you sure do have manners now come don't stand by the door now!!! Let's go eat I cooked a lot of food anticipating your arrival so feel free to ask for seconds when your not full yet ok?" I smiled at her energetic ness walking into the kitchen while receiving glares from everyone else ' I guess they really wanted to go into the kitchen first?' Sister Ling sat me down and told me to dig in while everyone sat down , once everyone had been seated I finally began to eat and I must say her food was heavenly!!! So much so that everyone had shut up not speaking and only focused on their food after eating Lui Yu finally spoke up " Tao this I'm my wife Ling as you already know." I nodded smiling to sister Ling. " Now these are my kids 10 years old lilly, 19 years old Scott, 21 years old Hardin and 23 years old Tessa all under the surname Lui thank you very much!" My lips twitched at those names, I may not have had much of a life but being Lui Yu's friends helped me as he somehow was always able to sneak in movies and I very well knew that he had named his kids after some of the characters!!!! " Really Lui Yu? Really? After?! Teen wolf?!!!" Lui Yu smiled "What can I say I'm a die hard fan besides ling said the names sounded foreign and unique, so no one can judge me!" I looked at him and rolled my eyes deciding that this topic will go nowhere besides it was useless as the kids were already named "Nice to meet you everyone."

Hardin and lilly only nodded in my direction while  scott blushed and looked away "Nice to meet you Tao" I smiled liking the way Lui Yu's family functioned not stuck up, free from manners and just themselves. I think I'll enjoy my time here today... ' Away from all the palace drama and stress.' I internally groan ' what was I thinking becoming the emperor's concubine huh? I should have never listened to my mom especially considering that her own relationship failed!!'.

Authors note : Another late update stuff got hectic with school but today I was like not today devil (school) there is someone out there waiting for an update! and wrote this part. Initially I was going to add more drama but after seeing a comment saying the other chapter was sad I decided to lighten up the mood as much I can although I feel like it's rushed and makes no sense...... But I'll do better in other chapters!!!!
Love y'all 💕 Thanks for reading ❤️

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