26 The battlefield

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A while passed and after an hour they arrived at the battlefield screams of pain and war cries where heard all over the thick iron smell of blood lingered in the air and smacked Qian Tao in the face making his face turn cloudy from the nasty smell. Qian Tao got off the cart and headed over to an injured solder laying down with a missing leg. " Stay still solder I'll help you!!!" Qian Tao stated as he took out bandages from the medicine filled fabric he had on his back. He carefully and skillfully tied the amputated leg.

As a finishing touch he gave the man one pill that should help reduce pain and help with healing faster. When he was finished Qian Tao set his sight on the injured laying all over the battlefield. There were a little over a hundred people wounded people laying within five kilometers of distance from Qian Tao ' There are a lot of them but one at a time I'll make it!! I really hope this helps avoid many casualties so yueliang won't feel bad or anything!!' Qian Tao began healing people at a very fast pace and within two hours he had healed and gathered fifty people and was still continuing without rest.

He had been lucky enough to not get hurt when he went into the battlefield to retrieve wounded solders to heal and move out of the battlefield to the temporary safe place in the little forest about one yard away from the battlefield. The distance was long especially while carrying man twice his build but Qian Tao did not give up he needed to help ,he hoped this would at least lift the burden off Yueliang's shoulders knowing how much the latter cared about human lives and such.

' I just have to continue moving these guys what could possibly go wrong at such a long distance away from the front lines-' A solders head rolled and landed infront of Qian Tao's feet the solder Qian Tao was helping stand up screamed to run while Qian Tao was completely taken aback by this Qian Tao hurriedly looked up and saw a red giant man with black tattoos all over his body the man was half naked ' thankfully he covered his lower half!!!'. The man pointed his club with spikes all over at Qian Tao shouting " I'll Kill All Of You Swines!!!!" And began charging towards him.

Although shaken at first Qian Tao quickly regained his calm and immediately began circulating his Qi like Xingfu had showed him earlier. ' in and out then..' Qian Tao pointed his right palm towards the charging man's face and " Release!!!" Fired a bright blood red flame at his enemy the moment the man and the fire made contact he began to flail around and scream as the fire really burnt like hell seeing this Qian Tao though two things

1. This move shall be named hell fire!!
2. This guy really is slow!! If it was a normal person he would have dodged but no this bullhead ran in head first wait is he really like a bull he sees red and tries to tackle it or something?!

But one thing was certain Qian Tao grinned like an idiot and looked at the guy he was helping stand up and said " I am Awesome right?!!!" The man was bemused for a second before energetically nodding his head "Yep young master is the best of the best no doubt!!!" Qian Tao nodded " Of cause no one can surpass me!! Hehehehe" ' seems that idiot was correct bragging is pretty fun!!' "Careful now no need to overpraise him he can't be the best while I'm still alive!!" The solder leaning on Qian Tao's shoulder immediately had a bright expression on his face like he had seen his god.

" Your highness Xingfu!!!!" Xingfu smiled at the solder and responded in a cheerful voice " Hi there Yi!! You look more beat up than usual." he said while pointing at Yi's bandaged chest Yi just smiled and shook his head.  Qian Tao thought ' is this what they mean by *think of the devil and he shall appear?!!' Qian Tao looked at Xingfu with a disgusted expression " What are you doing here huh?" Xingfu laughed " I am here to protect you. You see the enemy has realized that we have a doctor healing people at a fast rate thus reducing the death toll so they have started to aim for you." Qian Tao looked at him up and down " What makes you think I need a weaklings protection?" Looking genuinely hurt xingfu held his hand over his heart "how could you say that to such a pretty maiden like myself *sob* " Rolling his eyes Qian Tao began moving Yi away from the battlefield.

"Maybe if you were a tiny bit more beautiful I'd treat you better and shower you with pretty words." Xingfu helped by holding Yi on the other holder and they began walking at a much faster pace in fact they were now running and Yi practically had his feet floating above ground even if it was one inch off the ground.

Xingfu looked at Qian Tao " Admit it I'm the most beautifully handsome man you have ever seen!!!" Qian Tao really did not want to admit it and just simply asked " where is emperor Yueliang?" Xingfu looked away from Qian Tao " he is currently trying to hold off the enemy from coming to you." Qian Tao smiled with slightly flushed cheeks " I see so he is helping protect me....."


*It's actually speak of the devil and he shall appear I just made a change of speak to think so it suits the situation.

Hope u enjoyed this chapter.

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