29 sacrifices

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The man with orange hair screamed out as his left hand that had been holding the spear got cut off by Xingfu. Xingfu released a burst of Qi sending the orange haired guy flying while coughing up a mouth full of blood this also brought upon a heavy atmosphere that made it hard for people to even breath let alone the modern Qian Tao seeing the youth turning pale at his Qi release Xingfu quickly closed off his Qi then he  hurriedly asked " Tao? Are you ok? did I make it? Your ok right?" Silence the orange haired man grasped his now empty shoulder and staggered up from the human shaped dent he had formed about a kilometer away  " You dare cut off my arm?!!! A meer Human Dares to Touch ME!!!!!" Although he was shouting pretty loudly but  Xingfu was silent for the shock of what was infront of him really was too much to handle. Qian Tao was kneeling while facing upwards towards Xingfu his hair was in disarray so only those infront of him could see his face. Yueliang who was pushed aside could not see his face but looking at Xingfu's reaction he really dreaded what he might see. Qian Tao's face was covered in blood and a clean cut starting from the base of his ear cutting through his eye all the way to the middle of his forehead was clearly visible. Qian Tao lightly lifted his hand and touched his cut eye he knew it, he could feel it ' it's really cut up huh?' his eye ball had been cut from the bottom left to the top right Qian Tao smiled ' it can still be restored'  if Qian Tao had not been captured and experimented on he would have only thought that his body only allowed fast recovery speed but thanks to those damn scientists he knows that his body is actually capable of far more to be exact it's  regeneration. When he had first arrived at that hell hole one of the scientists made a theory that stated that maybe Qian Tao could regenerate since his healing speed was inhuman taken in by that idea they cut off my thump and it grew back though it was after 2 months. It was then realized that I could regenerate it's just that it wasn't instant regeneration, they then became curious if it took two months for a thumb to grow back how long will an arm take? Does my regeneration count only for external body parts or do my internal organs count? Thus they experimented the results came as  followed from the one doing experiments to the one taking notes
" The subject fully recovered the amputated arm in eight months. But his internal organs do not seem to grow back at all! We had cut off part of his kidney shortly after his arm grew back but the results shocked us his kidney did not grow back and seeing as the subject was almost at the verge of dying due to kidney problems we implanted a new one in him. So to sum it up he can regenerate exterior organs but the internal organs he can't grow back tsk such a waste we could have really used him for good y'know!! Like practice surgeries on him and stuff. Useless brat!!!"

' since it's an eye it should grow back in about three months right? No since it's not completely removed it should heal in half that time!!!' Qian Tao smiled at the thought he had protected Yueliang without dying it really was achievement! Xingfu was truly stun here he was the guy who got stabbed in the face and had his eyes ruined smiling like an idiot!! This is not a type of wound to smile over this is a wound painful enough to have man twice his size bend over in agony but Qian Tao from start to finish looked like this pain had absolutely nothing to do with him. Xingfu asked as he took out a purple cloth that looked like his eyes and knelt infront of him to wipe the blood off his cheek "Are you ok?" Qian Tao nodded and took the cloth from Xingfu. Xingfu let go of the cloth and stood up then he looked over to Yueliang " Take care of Tao I will handle this demon." Qian Tao shook his head and stood up " it's ok. I am ok" he then looked at Yueliang who flinched at the sight of Qian Tao's bloody eye. " Your majesty-" yueliang who was already standing and had already taken out his sword looked at Qian Tao then stared at the orange haired man. " It's all my fault he was initially fighting me but I just had to come to you and bring you danger!! Of course that bastard would attack me when I was distracted but believe me I'll get revenge for you!! How dare he disfigure you?!!" Without waiting for Qian Tao's response Yueliang shot forward and began fighting the man who was barely standing on his feet from Xingfu's previous strike. His sword clashed with the man's spear although wounded the man was on level with yueliang.   The man angrily shouted " YOU DARE ATTACK ME!????" Yueliang shouted back "And You Dare harm my wife?!!!" The man put some distance from him and Yueliang " Ha!!!! You dare call a demon your wife?!!" Yueliang was bemused by his words but the man did not explain " Listen well!! I am going to kill you and after that I will take over this filthy world and give it to my Lord!!!" Yueliang who had been raging calmed down and asked " what do you mean Bastard?!?" The man smiled " I Gong the warlord of the demon world declare war on this land!!!" Everyone at the scene froze. War? Against all the kingdoms this will not  end well at all!!! Axel Ma shouted back at Gong " Are You MAD?!!!!!"  Gong took out a gate stone this stone is the only way to go in and out of the demon clan it only requires a small amount of blood to be activated. " In a months time I will lead my army here and will take over all your kingdoms!! As a present for my lord I will enslave you all filthy humans and such!!!" Gong held the stone under his still bleeding shoulder and began to disappeared " LOOK FORWARD TO IT!!!"

Tao : So I'm a one eyed pirate now?
Xingfu: Nah that's pretty cool but the war proclamation?
Yueliang: why is it so............
Author: what?
Tao: weak.
Yueliang: random
Author: *growing mushrooms at the corner of the room* I have no experience ok! Curse you I curse you to lose your eyes!!!
Tao : I already lost mine tho?
Yueliang, Xingfu, Yu and others saved by Qian Tao: *  grinding axes and sending murderous aura to the Author*

Hehe sorry for the late update I just got caught up with some work but I promise on Qian Tao's life that I will continue to update as usual on every Thursday at latest make it Friday!! Thanks you for reading truly ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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