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Surprise I'm back with an update enjoy 😘💕

Qian Tao's POV

"How long have you guys been friends anyway?" Asked sister Ling as she gracefully picked up her cup of tea and took a sip. I smiled now too nervous to pick up my cup because it would not be so graceful and would only look barbaric but who can blame me? Not like I went to school for manners. " Five years give or take." Sister Ling nodded "Actually if you don't mind...... Could you tell me about what Lui Yu went through in your previous life although we have been together for ages he still refuses to tell me-".

" I'm sure he'll tell you when the time is right." I say brushing her request off. Even if they have been together for ages and Lui Yu decided to tell her the truth about his past life I'm still not comfortable talking about that place at all. " So does your family only consists of six people?" I say changing the topic at hand. "No there are actually seven of us, you see we actually have an eldest son, he's currently in the heavenly sect practicing he's cultivation skills. Although I have no favorites but he's honestly my pride and joy." I nod at her answer " sounds reliable."

The rest of day is spent with out idle chatter along with Lui Yu who decided to later join us. Seeing sister Ling and Yu's interactions with each other seemed gave me an idea 'This is how people in love behave huh?'
I waved at the family standing at the door " Make sure to come around again Tao~" Sister Ling elbowed Yu's stomach to stop him from saying nonsense in such a flirtatious sounding tone. A gentle smile broke out on my usually expressionless face "Mn I shall visit you all again in the near future for now please remain safe and healthy."
For a while Ling and Yu paused, ignoring them I went into the carriage. Finally going back to the palace and the first thing on my agenda was to sleep and after that I'll review the medicine books of this era.

Lui Yu's POV

He...... He smiled? Gently?!!! Ok no I feel as if my mind will shut down soon. " Hubby did Tao just smile gently? Didn't you say the man was incapable of such emotions?" Ling's asked confusion sipping into her tone. I nodded in confirmation, " Qian Tao is definitely not one to feel emotions or rather he just doesn't understand them..... I'm not saying he's a psychopath but really what can you expect from someone whose only known messed up people from a young age?" Ling frowned  

"Pycho-path?"  I smiled at her totally disregarding our previous topic " It is pronounced as  psychopath basically means crazy in that foreign language I told you about earlier do you remember it? The one I'm fluent in?" Ling's eyes widened and she snapped her fingers " En-glish?" I nodded " En. I really got lucky to have you as my wife~" Ling blushed " What are you talking about besides, Qian Tao loves the emperor right? And earlier he was smiling while talking to us although his smile right now was a little bit different." I shook my head, "It isn't that easy I mean think about it locked up and experimented on for 15 years, watching all your friends die? Gradually losing all hope over the years the light in you will eventually burn out will it not? Even if it was still there it's either fake or temporary. Tao is that person, he'll smile when required, does anything for those he feels as if he owes them, he also can't get attached, it's Cruel yes but I think it's a defense mechanism he developed in the later stages of his life."
Ling's eyes flashed with sorrow "So it's like that....." I took her hand in mine gently leading her inside "So next time before saying he smiled look at his eyes, they will tell you wether he's smiling or not like now, the gentle curve in the corner of his eyes proved it, tsk faking bastard!!" Ling followed him inside " ok ok let's stop talking about Tao poor kid must have sneezed a thousand time where ever he is." I smiled at my wife. I really hit the jackpot with her. I mean it is pretty rare to find an ancient person who would be willing to cater for a time traveler and even follow that person's way of life.

" Truly amazing." I lowly muttered Ling turned around " what?" I bent down slightly dropping a kiss on her forehead " I said I love you, you amazing creature!" Ling blushed while pushing me away from her trying to hide her face. Yep I definitely fell deep.


Hello everyone

Everyone: (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

*Breaks out in cold sweat* hehe.... It's been a while huh......

Everyone : ಠ,_」ಠ

* Bows deeply*
I'm truly sorry for the delayed update, my schedule recently got even more hectic•́  ‿ ,•̀ buuuut I finally have time thus the new plan is two to three chapters weekly ( I really need to finish this book before my birthday (-_-;)・・・)

Anyway thank you all for being such patient and amazing readers, reading your comments make my day and the fact that someone is reading and liking my story is the only thing keeping me going!!! Thank you all my Lovings ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Btw next chapter is a special one and it should clear up many misconceptions and misunderstandings about the characters and place.

Please like and comment your thoughts ✌️💕

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