25 battle

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Xingfu got close to the stunned and still red Qian Tao then whispered in his ears with a face and voice so grave one would swear he was reporting a crime to his lord." Bragging is a man's duty and especially when compliments are received it's exactly like when people ask for my size and I say I am a colossal Titan so my dear friend."

Xingfu stepped back and smiled brightly at Qian Tao the smile was so bright it actually made it hard to even gaze upon it. " It's ok to brag a little whether it's about your looks or skills !!!like me you can even brag about your size hahaha!! Oops looks like I have stayed too long I'm gonna be late oh well who will scold me huh!!" Xingfu turned to leave after telling Qian Tao to not tell yueliang about their encounter and what he just showed him Qian Tao who was still trying to process all the events that just happened nodded.

Xingfu was just about to leave when Qian Tao suddenly remembered " be careful of emperor Hsin especially the people around him." Xingfu was taken aback but still listened " Those people are suspicious so have your guard up!" Xingfu's looked at him curiously" Why?" Qian Tao halfheartedly answered " They just looked suspicious." Xingfu's eyes flashed in an deathly green " Tao don't lie to me. Come one I won't tell anyone." ' how did he- perceptive bastard!! Well although he does seem loose he at least doesn't look like the gossip type.'

"They just smell weird that's all and smelly people aren't good people well most of the time!!" Xingfu nodded and left quickly as he did not want to arrive late. Qian Tao looked up at the moon and a light smile danced upon his lips " colossal huh? In that case I might as well be a dragons sword. Tsk idiot." Qian Tao decided to meditate and practice what he had learnt from Xingfu. The emperors left along with an army of three thousand solders they thought this number was enough since they were doing a sneak attack and they also needed some solders to stay back and watch over the kingdom while they were gone. Qian Tao finished his routine at midday when he did he noticed that the people of the palace where all over the place and looked panicked.

Qian Tao took his sword and stopped a maid who looked like she was ready to cry at any moment " Miss what's going on? Why are you all so panicked?" The maid who had started shedding tears since a while ago spoke while sniffing and stuttering " Tha-That *sniff* their royal highness's failed in their ambush *sniff* now they are stuck in a losing fight with the demon clan * waaaaa* " Qian Tao gave the crying maid a cloth to wipe her tears away with. ' Yueliang you idiot I told you to be careful!!' Qian Tao quickly went back to his room and took out a bundle with a pile of healing pills and bandages and tied it on his back.

Qian Tao shook his head and went to the gate there he met Ma Bo, Lui Jiê and Jiang Wén getting on horses when they saw Qian Tao heading towards them they bowed in greetings Qian Tao naturally bowed back Bo was the first to speak " Concubine Tao what is the matter?" Qian Tao resolutely spoke " This lowly concubine would like to also come along to the battlefield!" Wen replied in a cold tone " No we can't take someone who can later become a burden to us." Qian Tao bowed his head once more and spoke " please your highness's this lowly concubine begs of you please let me come I know some medicine so I can be of help.Besides what kind of a man would let his b loved be in a  dangerous situation without trying to help?"

Bo sighed but eventually nodded " ok. Get a horse from the stable don't get left behind." Qian Tao smiled " thank you your highness." Finally he could go with them but the problem was that ' I can't ride a horse!! '.

But just then a knight in shining armor riding on a horse pulling a cart full of weapons came to the gate seeing this golden opportunity Qian Tao smiled like a pickpocketing thug who has seen his next target.

Qian Tao went to the cart and jumped on it hearing the noise of someone boarding his cart the young man wearing (non gold!!) armour looked back and saw Qian Tao sitting on the cart edge. " Don't mind me go on." The man wanted to argue but really had no time and continued on his way ' I am almost there wait for me Yueliang..... Don't die on me.'

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