36 The new guard

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I leisurely made my way to my court yard with the guard following silently behind me. I took in the scenery with my left eye once again feeling how disadvantaged it is using one eye sighing I picked up my pace as I realized that I was not able to fully take in the scenes. Finally arriving at the court yard the guard behind me bowed I stopped and looked back at him " you may go tell concubine Tang that I arrived safely." Though I still didn't know why she sent her guard with me I mean I am a man after all I don't need petty protection. After sending the man away I went into my room what greeted me was a hug from a young woman who was a head shorter than me, had nice body proportions and had nice silky brown hair. It was the long forgotten Wû Mu being hugged so unexpectedly I stumbled a bit before I regained my footing. " Boss!!!! Your back! I missed you so much!! When you were gone everyone treated me badly his majesty even threatened to fire me!!!! I swear if you did not go with me wherever you went I would be jobless by now!!!" At that moment a deep male voice sounded and Wû Mu was pulled away from me " Tsk how embarrassing don't you know that man and woman should keep a distance? So go on don't hug brother Tao anymore!!!" A man in a black robe and had his hair in a high ponytail came up from behind me and pulled Wû Mu away. If I am not mistaken this should be " Yi? What are you doing here?" Yi threw Wû Mu away directly and came to bow before me " This one is glad that master Qian Tao still remembers him. From now on I will be your guard I have been assigned by the emperor leader to come here and be a bridge for communication but young Yueliang didn't want me as a guard and threw me to one of his concubines" speaking up until this far Yi made a wronged expression that looked very much like an abandoned puppy. I subconsciously smiled " Luckily he threw me to you! You won't throw me out too right?" There it is the ultimate puppy dog eyes I really could have sworn that I saw dog ears on his and a tail behind him both indicating a sad appearance I couldn't resist and patted his head " ok ,ok no one is abandoning anyone why wouldn't I want you? It's just extra free labour!!" Yi who didn't know wether to laugh or cry  nodded " I won't disappoint you!!" Humming in satisfaction I looked at Wû Mu and Yi respectively " I am going to a banquet later today so get my clothes ready along with the bath water. For now I'm going to rest so wake me up two hours later oh and Yi in here you can drop the respectful speech it creeps me out!! Bye now" without waiting for a reply I went straight to bed ready to sleep. Seeing this Yi and Wû Mu silently went out

Yi's view point

" Is he always like this?" Looking back at the room Concubine Qian Tao was sleeping at I asked the lady next to me. " En. He is always like this and he treats us servants like friends." I nodded at lady Wû Mu and suddenly remembered " sorry about throwing you earlier." Wû Mu chuckled it's fine we are  all martial arts experts here such a thing wouldn't hurt me at all." Nodding I decided to focus on more serious matters " what soap does Master prefer?" Wû Mu smiled " Follow me new guy and I'll show you what my master likes!!!"

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