31 The innocent bunny got tainted!!!!

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Qian Tao contemplated for a while, Seeing no wrong in this Qian Tao finally nodded as he did not want to drag it out." So what do you suggest I do?" Xingfu smiled " Lead them towards giving you gold then refuse it." Qian Tao looked confused seeing this Xingfu smiled " Listen closely."


Qian Tao smiled brightly "such a thing is possible?" Xingfu smiled at Qian Tao's innocence " But of cause remember position and power are great and all but infront of the public opinion they are nothing so it's better to invest in people rather than worldly things." Qian Tao nodded just then Xingfu stiffened up and got up from his seat " Ah well it seems someone is coming I better leave quick." Qian Tao asked confused " didn't you say it was ok since we are both guys?" Xingfu smiled "I lied I actually came in through the window." Qian Tao genuinely felt speechless so much so that even his expression became blank like white paper without a stain on it. Xingfu smiled " sorry ok~ I am leaving now." Just as he was about to leave Xingfu paused again and looked back " Qian Tao about that revenge you wanted you know that I can help right?" Qian Tao recoverd and tilted his head in confusion " Why? There is no need Yueliang promised to help me." Xingfu chuckled " you think he'll help? Maybe in the next few years but not now don't you see he still needs the prime minister so unless he finds a person with more power to use do you think he'll kill them?" Qian Tao answered confidently " Of cause he will!! He promised me even if it takes a few years it's fine I don't mind but eventually I'll get revenge and don't say that about Yueliang he is not like that at all you don't know him whatsoever!!!!" Xingfu smirked " Oh? That power hungry kid? Fufu~"

Qian Tao felt something in him snap his face turned red, his heart beat quickened, his breathing became uneven and his teeth clenched unconsciously was this anger? Qian Tao had felt annoyed a lot of times even angry but never to this extent one could even say before this Qian Tao had never really felt anger before.  Seeing that Qian Tao was getting angry  Xingfu bowed " I am really sorry for saying that so please calm down ok~ I don't want to ruin this beautiful friendship yeah?" Qian Tao rolled his eye in annoyance " whatever just go away." He then covered himself with a blanked. Xingfu sighed " I'll be going then oh and my offer still stands I can help you take out the prime minister all you need to do to seal the deal is take the item I'll give you tomorrow so think it over." Just like that the room was left in total silence. Until the door was opened again "Qian Tao are you awake?" Qian Tao's heart thumped at the voice he sat up immediately and looked towards the voice " Your Majesty your here!!!" Seeing that the youth was happy to see him Yueliang smiled " Yes Tao Tao We are here to see you."
" I am glad to see-"
" We are sorry!!"
Qian Tao was slightly taken aback by this apology " What are you sorry about?"
" Your eye because of Us you lost your eye." Yueliang looked miserable as he apologized. Qian Tao's heartached at the sight and hurriedly said " it's ok really I am fine it's ok!!" Yueliang shook his head " No it is not ok if only We could bow We would but it's a taboo so instead We promise that We will find a way to heal you!!" ' A taboo so when that idiot bowed.....' Qian Tao felt a year older how stupid is he no matter how free willed you are one must not neglect custom!! ' Xingfu that idiot' Qian Tao silently sighed why was he even thinking of the jerk who spoke crap about his husband?!!" Let it go won't you scars are ok-"
Yueliang cut him off " of cause they are not!! You are Our concubine We will not let you have such unsightly things such as scars! We swear !!"
' I guess having a scar will affect me in some way' Qian Tao smiled  " Then I'll leave it to you, your majesty." Yueliang looked relieved " By the way the other emperor's wanted to award your bravery." Qian Tao nodded " I see." Yueliang looked at him and patted his shoulder " We will leave you to rest. We shall send someone to come and get you when it's time to receive the rewards." Qian Tao hesitated a bit and finally spoke " Hao...... About the Qian family I-" yueliang cut him off since he already knew what he was going to say " Don't worry We will definitely get vengeance for you..........but for now We need the prime minister to cooperate with me since he has the majority of the army." Seeing Qian Tao look unsure Yueliang held his hand and lightly kissed it " Trust me there is nothing more that We want apart from avenging you.......and when the Royal parents return and We take the throne rightfully and receive the power We will surely avenge you."Qian Tao smiled brightly "Promise?" Yueliang nodded " We promise now rest up We'll come back later to rest with you." Qian Tao laid his head down and quietly closed his eyes. Yueliang silently looked at him for a while and finally nodded resolutely as if he has made a decision and went out.

The next two days passed in a flash and the doctor having said his condition is not that serious Yueliang took Qian Tao to the palaces throne room so he could receive his reward.

Author: Look it's true tho!!
Qian Tao: no it's not!!
Xingfu: what are you arguing about?
Qian Tao: The Author said that in a book should the leading couple get together with no issues there is definitely something up and I totally disagree!!
Author: These are facts!!!!
Qian Tao : oh yeah? What about me and Yueliang?!!!
Author:........... Thank you everyone for reading and don't forget to vote(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Qian Tao : why are you running get back here!!!
Everyone else:................???!

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