08 a day in the life of a concubine: a prodigy in medicine.

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" Shall we go in master." Wu Mu asked respectively. " We can't turn back can we?" Wu Mu shook her head and they both went in. After going in they were met with a group of ladies who sat at a rather long table chatting and fake laughing at each other. When Qian Tao entered all the chatter abruptly stopped and all eyes were on him he shifted uncomfortably and bowed in greetings to the woman and ger's in response they nodded their heads.

" Concubine Qian Tao welcome! If you may please there is a seat next to your dear sister over there." Qian Tao nodded in response towards the one who had spoken up he had suspected it was concubine Tang . Qian Tao sat next to Qian Bai and politely greeted her " Greetings Elder sister." Qian Bai snorted in response.

Feeling rather out of place Qian Tao busied himself with eating the pastries infront of him and ignored all the chatter about calligraphy, dances,new faces, the emperor e.t.c after a while the topic unexpectedly moved to him.

Concubine Tang asked " Dear concubine Qian Tao I must really compliment you on your achievement of being able to make the emperor spend the night in your court yard last night. You must have impeccable seductive skills?" It took a while before Qian Tao was able to get over urge to smash his face in what "seductive skills???" He then smiled and answered " hahahaha yeah seduction."

concubine Tang silently snickered " I see you can only depend on your looks." Qian Tao shook his head " How can I? I can't compare to any of you in looks I'm just average looking." Concubine Tang was bemused but said " Concubine Qian Tao don't say that. Even if you look average here out there you are a beauty beyond words. I mean the emperor even spared you a look." Qian Tao shook his head once more

" I.....thank you then concubine Tang but I really can't be considered a beauty........after all I'm...." ' You ugly monster you still dare defy orders!!!' a voice rang out through Qian Tao's brain. He shivered but quickly regained his composure ' Even at a time like this I still remember those damn scientists!'.

While Qian Tao was still lost in thought Qian Bai started coughing non stop until she spat out a mouth full of blood!!! Everyone looked panicked but if one was to look closely they could see that it was only fake worry and panic. Qian Tao looked at her and shook his head thinking ' poor girl she just entered the palace but she is already poisoned!'

On that note Qian Tao mentally noted down that he should thank the emperor when he got back if the emperor did not visit him last night he might also get poisoned. By the emperor coming to see him it gave him a protective shield from these direct approach schemes as they did not know his position in the emperor's heart and could not move rashly lest they get killed.

The imperial doctor was called immediately and Qian Bai was moved to the  inside of the  snowflake court yard as it would be too much work and could quicken the spread of the poison to her heart if she was to be sent back to her yard.

When the doctor arrived he was with the emperor and the prime minister. The latter two looked anxious like they wanted to run into the court yard while on the other hand the emperor was walking in a neither fast or slow pace like one would use when they went out for a stroll in the middle of the night.

When they finally arrived the doctor kicked everyone out of the room and began his work. When the emperor saw Qian Tao saw the emperor he slightly smiled and bowed his head the emperor nodded in response. The other concubines followed suit and were told to rise in a very bored tone.

An hour passed before the doctor came out drenched in cold sweat when the emperor saw him he lightly asked " What is the situation is concubine Qian Bai going to live or die?" The imperial doctor was shaking when he answered " y-your majesty she is beyond help!!" When those words fell fake cries rang out some did not bother and stayed neutral but one could tell that they were extremely happy!

The palace was an extremely cruel place and should one be seen as a threat and they did not have the emperor's attention they would be immediately removed from the scene no matter their background. The emperor looked over to Qian Tao " Do you wish to try?"

The entire hall went silent until the prime minister broke the silence by yelling " Don't Play with Bai's life like that your highness!!!! I am pretty sure that Qian Tao has Zero medical skills!!!!" The emperor offhandedly ignored him and asked again " Not going?" Qian Tao was frozen and blunted out " H-how?" " You told Us yesterday. Are you still not going concubine Qian Tao?"

He actually listened and remembered such a small thing??!! Qian Tao was slightly touched and bowed his head before entering the room. The prime minister had complains but he swallowed them all and kept quiet. When Qian Tao entered the room and saw the pale faced Qian Bai he instantly knew that this was an incurable poison.

When he took his pulse he confirmed his suspension this poison truly was one of a kind!! Qian Tao then went out to inform them about the poison when he did the prime minister almost fainted the emperor slightly raised his eye brow and asked " you can't heal it?" Did the emperor have that much fate in him luckily he did have a way although it rested solemnly on luck he still went to try it out.

He then quietly went back into the room and grabbed the knife off the table and lightly cut a small opening on his thumb. He then opened Qian Bai's mouth and dropped his blood into her mouth it was only two drops but Qian Bai's complexion went from  pale to gaining it's original rosey look.

Qian Tao then pulled back his hand and laughed mockingly at himself ' how lucky this ability of mine is still here.' Qian Bai started to gain consciousness seeing this Qian Tao went out and told the prime minister to go in since his precious daughter had woken up.

Qian Tao bowed towards the emperor quickly went back to his court yard. He kicked everyone out and when he was finally left alone he lied down for a while and stared at the cut on his hand. " Am I really cursed?........... I don't want this really." He moved to sit at the edge of his window and gazed at the scenery.

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