06 The first encounter different from the rest a unique soul.

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When the servants saw the emperor coming out with an ashen black face emitting a cold air they all plunged down onto their knees and shivered uncontrollably.

The emperor then headed to Qian Tao's court yard although he dreaded going he still had to it was his duty after all. He could not be bias besides him not going would cause him a headache later.
Still the emperor was really reluctant to go.

The reason he dreaded going was because he would have to meet a ger! The emperor hated them most, although male they were no different from females and they had zero back bone. They were either too weak and fragile or too confident of their beauty even if there were those who cared not for looks they were all still the same and just like his female concubines they all wanted a chance to get into his bed, this made him very puzzled about why so many people want to sleep with him was he that handsome?!!

No he would rather think that these people are all mental cases!! Speaking of which isn't concubine Qian Tao supposed to be mental? As those thoughts floated in his mind he had already arrived at Qian Tao's court yard. His servants then shouted his arrival unbeknownst to them Qian Tao shouted back and said " Tell him that I'm sick or something."

Everyone felt like they were stricken by thunder. Was he really mental!!!! How could he not want to meet the emperor when he has already arrived. Infact Qian Tao did not know that the emperor was there. When he heard " The emperor has arrived!!" In his sleepy daze he heard " The emperor will arrive."

So not wanting to be bothered he answered back " Fuck tell him I'm sick or something." Just as Qian Tao was about to go back to taking his nap he was fully awoken by the sound of his door crashing open!! "So you dare lie to Us?" His voice was cold and penetrating. He had expected the other party to get down on his knees and shiver in fright but Qian Tao just calmly got off the bed grabbed his inner robe covered himself and bowed his head

" Greetings to his majesty the emperor. This lowly one did not know his majesty was here and in this lowly ones sleepy daze he made an excuse pray his highness punishes this servant." Having the inability to feel pain Qian Tao could confidently ask for punishment as he could take it. The emperor was taken aback for a while then he waved his hand and went to the table to sit down however Qian Tao did not follow and continued bowing. In his first life he had learned not to lie, to only do and say as told nothing less and nothing more and if he ever did that he would be beaten half to death sometimes he would even get electrocuted.

Now it had become his habit that he would not do as he was not told especially by someone who is above him. The emperor was pleasantly surprised when he saw him not doing anything he did not tell him to " Come you may sit with Us." Qian Tao then stood up and headed to the table then sat across the emperor. The atmosphere was quiet and awkward neither party knew what to say.

Qian Tao was especially awkward since the emperor was gazing at him with a burning gaze as if he wanted to rip him apart and see his insides Qian Tao shuddered ' creepy stare!!' he thought. Just then a knock came from the door.

Qian Tao was greatful and hastily stood up to get the door once the door was open he saw servants holding many plates filled with food. Qian Tao immediately started drooling on the spot!! The servants then went into the room and placed the food on the table after they finished they left still glued at the door Qian Tao stiffly made his way to the table and sat down.

The emperor gave permission to start eating as Qian Tao started his meal imaginary tears flowed out his eyes he then looked at the other food on the table and thought ' was this the delicious food that Lee Yu would always talk about??! ' .Seeing his dazed and astounded expression the emperor asked inspite of himself " What is the matter does Our food not satisfying you?" Qian Tao shook his head and smiled saying " No no your majesty your food is just right it's just that this servant finds this type of food tasty that's all."

The emperor nodded and went about his meal after finishing it was time for desert. When Qian Tao saw the mountain of delicacies he couldn't help but drool even harder that before. He then reached out and took a piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth in a rather slow and grateful like manner he then chewed like he was eating the greatest thing in the whole world , he looked like a kid who had tasted sweets for the first time.

Seeing his expression a thought suddenly popped into the emperor's mind ' he looks cute.' the emperor violently shuddered at his own thoughts. When Qian Tao finished eating the cake he started licking his fingers just as he was doing so the emperor suddenly blunted out " Just who are you?" Qian Tao paused for a while and looked up at the emperor and smilingly asked " oh? Do you not know who I am you highness?"

The emperor squinted his eyes making them sharper than before " First of all Qian Tao is very much in love with Shin Chen but you accept Our proposal without any hesitation secondly Qian Tao is well known for his loudness and heavy makeup yet here you are without makeup on and barely uttering a single word and lastly you are eating cake despite your widely known hate for anything sweet and thus We ask just who are you?"

it was at that moment Qian Tao felt the weird feeling he felt earlier in his eyes and saw red for a split second. He shook his head " mn..... That's weird..." Qian Tao was unable to see it but the emperor saw it clearly Qian Tao's eyes suddenly turned blood red and his iris resembled those of a reptilian he also felt the stifling feeling of a strong presence.

" Again who are you?" The emperor asked in a colder and harsher tone than before. Qian Tao laughed and looked at the emperor " you are quite sharp aren't ya? Truly worthy of being an emperor. It's true I am not Qian Tao the real Qian Tao Died a while ago really I am just a soul born again into his body." The emperor was completely and utterly shocked that his mouth slightly gaped open.

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