14 The perfect guy

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The eunuch from before came in with a group of maids holding food. Thinking it was the food he had asked for Qian Tao told them to set it on a little side table when they left he pulled the emperor over to the table being absolutely oblivious to the latter's cloudy expression.

After seating down the emperor frowned even harder upon seeing the food. Before he could say much Qian Tao had already cut out a piece of cake and was about to eat it when his hand was suddenly grabbed "W-what now?!!" Qian Tao was rather annoyed he did not like being disturbed during his meal time!! The emperor slowly said " don't eat it it's poisonous."

Qian Tao felt dread wash all over him. Right now Qian Tao was stuck between two choices one was to not eat this delicious looking pastry and regret it. While the other choice was to eat it and live without regret plus as long as it wasn't extremely strong he would survive. Having decided he sighed and put the fork down and stated rather woefully " your majesty what should this lowly concubine eat now?"

Seeing his wronged face the emperor's heart thumped " ehm..... We shall arrange food for you." Qian Tao was delighted and the emperor looked at his puppy like appearance and lightly smiled " but first tell us about your relationship with Lui Yu We are rather curious about it."
" That's all? Ok then Lee Yu is like the brother I never had although when I was younger I had romantic feelings for him-" the emperor was slightly shocked " romantic feelings?" Qian Tao nodded

" yeah Lee Yu was the only one who would talk to me and was the only one who befriended me, but those feelings disappeared when I discovered that I was not into men. And what I had for Lee Yu was admiration and not love." " We lived together like brothers but then when I took a stab for he he confessed that he loved me at that moment I thought it's better I die quickly........ But at least he is married now and did not get swayed."

Qian Tao exhaled a breath after saying that long sentence in one go. The emperor leisurely stood from his chair " Come let's go back to your court yard We shall have dinner there." Because he was hungry Qian Tao held no objections. The two quietly strolled to the twin snow jade court yard and when they arrived the emperor immediately went into the kitchen Qian Tao followed quietly behind him.

" We do not know how to make a complex meal but We can make you rice and a dish with meat." Qian Tao was fully taken aback and asked " y-your going to cook for me your highness??!" The emperor nodded and began taking out the needed ingredients. Qian Tao felt relived and touched at the same time relived because there was no one in the kitchen to witness the emperor cooking for him and touched because the emperor despite his position. A little later the food was done and placed infront of Qian Tao. " What do you think concubine Qian Tao?"
Qian Tao immediately started eating

" Wow★ your majesty this is really good!!!!" The emperor nodded with satisfaction "eat up so we can go rest." After the meal the emperor spoke up " We think you should refrain from calling Lui Yu *gege in public After all his old enough to be your uncle !" "Pfft!! Hahahahaha if you say it like that doesn't it mean I'm also your uncle in the last life I was 20 and now I'm 16 doesn't that make me thirty six years old? In that case you should be calling me uncle!" Qian Tao was joking around with the emperor, but the latter got annoyed

"You are not Our uncle besides Lui Yu is already forty years old." Qian Tao was completely and fully stunned! "Wait wait why does he still look like he is twenty something?!!!????" " That's when he reached the peak of his cultivation and stopped aging. He is one of the youngest to reach his peak at such an early age of twenty seven. Well they say he is the youngest but he is not you see I reached the immortality stage at 19 years old so Qian Tao I am much older than I look.

" The emperor stated in a rather uninterested tone, but Qian Tao was fully devoted to this conversation how could he let the emperor drop it !!! " Y-your majesty h-how old are you!?" The emperor stared blankly at Qian Tao before elegantly smiling " Our dear Qian Tao a gentleman should not casually reveal his age.

" Qian Tao's eyes sparkled for a moment before mumbling " he's rich,can cook, has power and is cold *gasp* I think I got myself a sugar daddy!!??" The emperor casually got up from his chair and walked out after deciding that it was better to pretend like he did not hear what Qian Tao had just mumbled Qian Tao naturally followed after him. When they arrived at Qian Tao's room Qian Tao changed his clothes and went straight into bed the emperor just poured himself a cup of water and leisurely drank it while sitting by the window looking up at the full moon.

Qian Tao spoke in a calm voice " This world really does have cultivation huh?"

" Your majesty would you mind explaining it's general layout for me?"

" There are a total of six great kingdoms if you include our Tai kingdom. Although we are powerful among the six kingdoms we rank third in power. This is only possible because we opened our doors to both demonic cultivators and righteous cultivators."
Qian Tao nodded

" I get that so please explain how your immortal and how come you still have your youth?"
The emperor smiled at Qian Tao who was not speaking formally to him anymore " you see there are six levels to cultivation first stage is the core formation stage, second is the core building stage third is the core strengthening stage forth is the close to immortality stage fifth is the immortality stage and the final stage is ascension."

" I see so which stage are you in?"

The emperor spoke in a proud tone " We are in the immortality stage. Though we only got here thanks to the core of someone who was in the close to immortality stage but that's a story for another day."

Qian Tao knew that he should not ask further about the emperor's core and changed the topic. " Can I cultivate?"

The emperor gently put the cup back on table and walked over to the bed before striping his outer robe and going into the bed. He then looked at Qian Tao who was blankly staring at him while waiting for his answer. " You want to cultivate?" Qian Tao nodded " We see then we will personally teach you starting tomorrow."

" Thank you your majesty!!" Qian Tao spoke excitedly.

The emperor mh-ed and patted Qian Tao's head " You should rest now dream well."

" You too your majesty." Qian Tao turned his back on the emperor and fell asleep.

" *Sigh* what are we to do with you when you turn your back on us this easily my dear?" The emperor shook his head and slowly drifted to sleep.

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