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Just like the moon shines every early morning, this one was barely showing from the dark clouds that emerged in the sky.

Barely any moonlight was passing through the trees, and the world around them was being circled with a dark force.

From the gate to hopping on the train back to London, they found themselves arguing over the long walks and far travels they had to make without apparating.

They had made it far enough without being seen, without taking breaks. The direction they were headed had a dangerous path.

Facing many acts of evil along the way; acts are never seen yet, but in this route, many people weren't able to escape through the ends of the trees.

With her head down and her hands stuffed into the deep pockets of her jacket, Claude heard the dead leaves scrunching throughout the entire walk. By the looks she was getting from her friends, she knew that Pansy was upset.

The whole time they walked, she was left alone. Normally, she would talk with Draco or Blaise, but she wanted to speak with Pansy, but she knew that it wasn't the same way for the girl.

"Enough Parkinson, you're acting like a child." Blaise breathed, a fog appearing in front of him when he spoke.

Meanwhile, the girl hadn't let his words stop her from kicking the piles of leaves around aggressively. She just mimicked her friend's words and continued walking alone.

Claude rubbed her arms from the freezing air that blew through the open spaces of her thick pieces of clothing. It accidentally made her turn to her side, where she caught a glimpse of the boy holding his wand out in front of him for light.

But when she took a closer look at his face, he seemed worn out. Dreadful, more than anyone else he looked, tired. Not the kind before bed, but the one where everything isn't interesting, or you want to avoid partaking in anything with anyone.

He didn't see the girl staring at his silhouette in the dark, and before turning away, Claude had recalled what happened before; she's ashamed.

She pushed him away. Time and time again, she would continue to do that until what she felt for him was nothing more than a gracious love.

Stepping to her side, she grew closer to him and instantly felt warm. He was always a cold person, but right now, he felt safe. He was her safe, Draco was someone's safe space.

Not only that, but he tensed when the girl stood beside him, her coat runner against his, but he never looked down to even share her a glance.

They just walked beside each other at a steady pace, taking in the warmth they brought each other from a hidden sense.

From the way she looked at him seconds ago, he seemed alone to her. Alone. Frightened. Anything, you wouldn't want to be in a time like this – a time like death.

Just when their arms rubbed against the others he stiffened just like she did, but they didn't make a sound, they didn't excuse themselves to move away from the other. Well, she didn't. He was. learning how to keep her close without acting on a whim, on feeling.

A harsh wind blew right to the group, Blaise held Pansy close, wrapping the blanket he had around him, over her as well.

With another gust pushing through them, Claude stumbled to the side but held onto the jacket the blond wore. Her hands balled up on the fabric, using her other to bury her face in the corner of her elbow, stopping the wind from freezing up her face.

"If you don't want to freeze to death, Malfoy. I suggest we stop and set up the tent here." Pansy shivered, cuddling up close to the boy beside her that was too cold to speak for them both.

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